I am of the opinion that I am doing the person a favor by:

Correcting them so they don't look stupid to someone else next time
Total votes: 10 (48%)
Letting it go to save them the embarrassment of feeling stupid right here and now
Total votes: 11 (52%)
wait, what now? (No votes)
Total votes: 21

Correcting someone when they misuse or mispronounce a word

Also, there's a woman I work with who will correct you incorrectly, where you were correct in your langauge to begin with but she thinks you are wrong and corrects you but she uses the wrong word.
Then, do I correct her back or do I let it go?

I had the name Carmichael on some work I was doing, it was the name of a company....she stops me and says 'It's pronounced Chair-michael'
I laughed because why would it be pronounced that way?
She insisted it was pronounced that way, I said whatever...later I called the company and talked to the owner and of course 'it's not pronounced friggin' Chair-michael... what would make you think that?'
Now she comes in and asks what's up with the Chair-michael shipment....do I get into it with her about this or just let it go?
I've just let it go up till now but it's starting to really bug me.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Correcting someone when they misuse or mispronounce a word

Marsupialized wrote:Now she comes in and asks what's up with the Chair-michael shipment....do I get into it with her about this or just let it go?
I've just let it go up till now but it's starting to really bug me.

If she's annoying and persistant, correct her ass. Where does a person get "Cha" from "Car"?
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

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