corrective eye surgery?

Total votes: 3 (19%)
not crap
Total votes: 13 (81%)
Total votes: 16

medical procedure: corrective eye surgery

A guy I worked with had it and his pupils were always slightly enlarged, even in normal office light. He told me that this is a fairly common side affect, is this true??...

He got pulled over for speeding or something and a power trip cop thought he was doped up because I guess advanced cop training includes how to use a low tech card with different sized dots on it to gauge whether someone's pupils are dilated enough to be considered "impaired".

He did get a DUI charge over this, but got it dismissed.

Vision without glasses or contacts, not crap.
WF: 2, because of possibly looking like you're eternally tripping.

medical procedure: corrective eye surgery

i've been wearing glasses since i was 8 years old, and so i was very excited about lasik $$ going down. however, i know that your vision has to hit a sort of plateau before you can get it done, or else its all for naught. for most guys, this happens around 21-22 years old, at least this is what my eye doctor told me back then. ill be 25 in two months and just had an eye appointment. .5 increase in each eye, vision now is: -625 in the left eye, -550 in the right. lasik is very far off for me... :cry:
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."
-Winston Churchill

medical procedure: corrective eye surgery

Rotten Tanx wrote:I've only worn glasses for about 2 years but I like it. Doesnt bother me in the slightest.

That's really, really great. Very great. I'm happy it doesn't bother you at all and I wish I could join you - and I like how glasses look.

I think being bothered or not is a function of how poor your vision is.

Me? I should start using frigging sonar. I can't see anything without my glasses on and I can't wear contacts - well, maybe a few times a year (long story). I've had to ask significant others to be noisier because I can't see that far.

Making out and kayaking: these activities justify vision correction.

Making out while kayaking? Pshaw, that's just silly.

medical procedure: corrective eye surgery

Angry_Dragon wrote:I had Lasik done in June of 00 and it turned out great.
The operation itself is super nutzoid though. You hear these wierd noises that sound like they belong in an Aphex Twin song plus they use those clamp things to keep your eyes open and when they put the drops in you can see the drops on your eyes. It was kind of odd.

It was actually in 2001 now that I think about it.

medical procedure: corrective eye surgery

Nice bump, Dragon.

My corrective eye surgery 26 years ago was to repair some weak muscles behind my (left?) eye that were resulting in frequent and sporadic double vision. That surgery was not crap. The lasiks, and other "I just don't want to wear glasses anymore" surgeries, I have less trouble calling crap because to me they smack of vanity. But really, what value can one put on their own vision? Why not do everything you can to optimize? Why should I speak, for I know nothing?

And I can't even see that well to boot?
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

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