Heath Ledger R.I.P.

burun wrote:
AAAAAAAARGH wrote:Westboro Baptist Church (the "God Hates Fags" church) will be picketing his funeral. (WARNING: IT'S A .PDF)


that stupid hate cult pickets every famous person's funeral. here's what i wrote in the mr. rogers thread on the topic...

the wikipedia article quotes people who defected from his cult as explaining phelps in more or less this manner:

phelps is not specifically homophobic.
he is a hateful megalomaniac who picked a group to target (gays) that he could build his little hate cult around.
he can't really find people to join his cult, so he breeds them. almost everyone who pickets with phelps etc. is descendent from him -- he has many kids who have many kids who have many kids etc. -- all in all he has something like 80 descendents. most of them are indoctrinated for life but a few broke away and they're the ones explaining what's going on.
it seems he pickets just about any high-profile funeral, grasping at straws for some way to connect it to his supposed anti-gay agenda... but i think what's really going on is that he wants to be seen with his family-cult doing something hateful.
he doesn't seem to actually align himself with any homophobic or right-wing group, because he doesn't want to align himself with anybody other than his little hate cult which conveniently shares his dna. he actually loves to slam the religious right and just about anyone and everyone.
he got disbarred as a lawyer because he kept berating women in court, trying to get them to break down crying in front of everyone.

that's what i understand of fred phelps.
jimmy spako wrote:jeff porcaro may be gone but his ghostnotes continue to haunt me.

Heath Ledger R.I.P.


He was in some terrible films, but a few good ones too.

Always sad to see someone die so young and pointlessly.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


Heath Ledger R.I.P.

world of pee wrote:that stupid hate cult pickets every famous person's funeral. here's what i wrote in the mr. rogers thread on the topic...

I don't need or want Fred Phelps explained to me (especially by a Wiki), much less twice. His actions are hateful and reprehensible.

Funerals are for families to mourn, reflect, and celebrate their loved ones. Not a fucking political action opportunity.

The memorial service for one of my friends was picketed by these jackasses, and it was all I could do not to punch them in the throat.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Heath Ledger R.I.P.

punch_the_lion wrote:Hopefully The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus will be better than The Brothers Grimm. I wonder how big of a role he has in the former and will he make the final cut.

It's not quite that simple - Heath Ledger was the big name in the film & I imagine that was what some of the backers based their investment on.

They've already filmed quite a few of his shots, but he was on his way to Vancouver to start shooting there next week.

I'm not sure if they'll be able to carry on making this movie.

Heath Ledger R.I.P.

This is kinda funny. Last night, my gf came home from a week away in Boston (tying up loose ends there). I had bought her this cute one-piece dress, which arrived in the mail that day. She saw it laying on the bed for her, tried it on and damn, she looked HOT. So, yeah we started doing dirty things together and in the middle of it, something came over me and I said, "did you know that Heath Ledger died?" She was shocked, almost mortified. So we gave a moment of silence to Heath Ledger and got on with our business.

That's when you know someone's famous.

Also, speaking of that and the other things in this ridiculous post, I'm reminded of an old Dave Chapel joke based on Bill Clinton's penis, which had the punchline of this sorts: "Imagine being so famous that when someone sucked your dick they became famous too."
Builder/Destroyer | Highwheel Records

Heath Ledger R.I.P.

RIP to you Heath...

(Although I had to endure a few hours of my life watching with my then-girlfriend, of you being fucked by another guy in Brokeback Mountain...I still don't understand why she cried at the end of the movie...

Sorry, I don't even like Casanova !

PLEASE, DON'T BOTHER COMING BACK TO THIS WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

....& cocend is BOOMBATS !

Heath Ledger R.I.P.

RIP Heath. I can say that I have never seen a movie you were in while you were alive, though like most I was expecting that you'd be around for The Dark Knight premiere at least.

apparently you were real talented but acted in some craptastic movies in the past.

I feel terrible for your kid and michelle williams.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

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