The Damned

Total votes: 8 (18%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 36 (82%)
Total votes: 44

Band: The Damned

chuckk wrote:
Skronk wrote:Crass called them "Major Label Puppets", but they weren't crap at all.
Crass were just jealous because The Damned could actually play.
Oddly, I've grown to hate anarcho-idealists moreso than major label puppets.

But Crass was somehow able to look past that and collaborate w/Sensible for "Wot No Meat?" if I recall right.

Band: The Damned

chuckk wrote:I found myself totally loving Music For Pleasure a couple years ago. It's so lovingly cock-rock!!

Good man! I got into that record recently too. It ain't quite prefect but it's a such load better than people give it credit for.

chuckk wrote:Also, does anyone have the Damned Damned Damned anniversary edition multi-CD set? Haven't heard it yet, but it looks interesting.

Yea, I got that earlier this year. It's fuckin' ace man! The Peel Sessions are awesome (as Peel Sessions of a band you like usually are) and the third disc with their first ever gig on it is really cool too. The cover of Circles by the Who is a bit odd though.

The Damned with Brian James were totally ace. After that they did a few good moments (that never quite lived up to the first line up) and after that they did total shite. Last year my mate's band supported them and I had to walk out halfway the Damned's set. They'd gone so cabaret it was embarrassing.

The quality of the first two albums is gonna have to make me vote not crap though.

Band: The Damned

Edd Tastyhead wrote:The quality of the first two albums is gonna have to make me vote not crap though.

...because "Machine Gun Etiquette" was crap, right?

Incorrect. That and "Strawberries" were great albums. I'm not overly fond of "The Black Album" on the whole because of the "Dr Jeckle and Mr Hyde" "cabaret" stuff, although there were good songs on that album (Curtain Call is great), ditto "Phantasmagoria".

They always put on a great show and the Captain is unassailable in the entertainment dept, plus the mythology is outstanding (Vanian as gravedigger singing "I Love the Dead", sending a turd to The Clash, the Scabies attacking Nick Lowe for his T-shirt story, the Top of the Pops lip-sync debacle etc).

Not crap overall, crap for "Anything", most of "Grave Disorder", "Not of This Earth" and all of "Music for Pleasure" (putting MfP over MGE is fucking brain damaged).
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

Band: The Damned

burun wrote:Which one?

Not Rat Scabies, he's the Holy Grail nut.

Don't remember, i don't think she remembered who he was, she just said he was a nice guy and knew a lot about wine.

Come to think of it, my mom has met a lot of people randomly. She and Jon Spencer ended up having ice cream together once when I was in high school. She's also had lunch with a Resident.
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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