Little details from your day

I have begun my job search for my full-on chosen career. I don't know of anything more harrowing.

I'm using my contacts, sure, but I'm also submitting applications online. Fuck. I have always hated searching for and submitting applications online. Who the hell ever sees your CV in that pile, right?

I applied for one HIV Epidemiologist job online and received a response which, while not an offer to come on down for a chat or anything, suddenly made me feel a helluva lot better about these detested online application submissions:

Hello [bumble]. Thank you for submitting your cover letter and CV for a position that we posted in communicable disease surveillance at the ____ Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. I wanted to let you know that you will not technically qualify for the City Research Scientist position until you have completed the MPH program. Therefore, we are unable to interview you before then. If we still have available positions when you do complete your degree, I hope you will consider applying for them at that time.

It made me feel a lot better that an underpaid/overworked Ph.D. took the time to write me. My CV got through, and it was read.

It strikes me as pretty sad that the above note made my week, but it really did.

Wish me luck. I'm going to go and bang my head against a rock.

Little details from your day

bumble wrote:I have begun my job search for my full-on chosen career. I don't know of anything more harrowing.

I'm using my contacts, sure, but I'm also submitting applications online. Fuck. I have always hated searching for and submitting applications online. Who the hell ever sees your CV in that pile, right?

Back when this kind of thing involved endlessly faxing offices, I called it "casting turds into the void". I ended up taking the first temp-agency job I was offered. Courage.

Little details from your day

Nico Adie wrote:Tonight is Burn's Night. I've already eaten enough Haggis to feed a whole family, and in about 20 minutes I will be eating a Cranachan.

Also, I'm in line for a promotion at work that, should I get it, will double my wages. They're not too bad at the moment either.

Happy times.

Haggis for dinner tonight, too, and a couple of versus of Address to the Haggis and To a Mouse.

Happy birthday Robert Burns.

Little details from your day

tommydski wrote:
burun wrote:Dude, HAGGIS.

Seriously, I don't even know what this stuff is.

Considering I have an internet connection I guess you can count this as a wilful disinterest.

I weep, Tommy.

Perhaps it is because it is 2 AM EST, and I have been awake since 6:30 AM, or perhaps is is the amount of secondhand marijuana smoke I inhaled at the Neurosis show (goddamn, these kids smoke the pot, don't they?) but you have made me nearly inconsolable.

Living in Scotland and being willfully disinterested in haggis is aking to living in New York and not being interested in a pastrami and tongue sandwich from Katz's, a knish from Yonah Shimmel, or a hot dog from a street cart.

You don't have to like them, but you have to try them at least once.

Goddamn, I should have stopped at Katz's on the way home!
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

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