Eating Sunday brunch at a pal's house, we found some annoying stickers from slick trustafundian lifestyle anarchists "CrimethInc". The content of these stickers is so poorly conceived that it is guaranteed to suck all desire for social change from anyone who reads them. I briefly wanted to go hug cops and kick squatters square in the nuts.
However, we discovered that these stickers work great when you read them aloud and replace all references to the police with references to the Mars Volta:
"The Mars Volta can only intensify as long as our so-called protectors enforce the social imbalances that give rise to them."
"Whenever you see the Mars Volta, approach them and vitriolically demand to know why they have chosen to make a career out of repressing their fellow citizens... Forcefully criticize their life choices and inform them that they are not welcome in your neighborhood until they seek new employment."
Hours of mirth.
Try it at home!