Is this the weirdest thing you ve heard of a neighbor doing?

if you're still having trouble getting the oil off of everything, get some dawn liquid and douse and rub it into everything and then hit it with a wet rag and then dry it off...that shit gets rid of any oily me, i've cleaned up after ghetto trash a lot...
lemur68 wrote:I've always said there are two ways to guarantee getting on the news:

1) Be found hoarding 80 animals in your home.

2) Drive through a storefront.

I'm 6/80ths the way to #1.

Is this the weirdest thing you ve heard of a neighbor doing?

Boombats wrote:
sharko wrote:
lemur68 wrote:I'm sure Jeffrey Dahmer's neigbors could think of something weirder.

My wife lived in a dorm 1 block away while that shit was happening.

Thank whomeverthefuck for making her a fine, straight wo-man.

Yeah it would suck if your wife had been a gay dude, or she coulda been killed!

My mind is borderline blown.

I think I am sticking to the story that the evil sounds of Black Mountain and Hawkwind (which I was listening to at the time) caused a Pentecostal Christian to throw oil on my door to rid it of evil (me, being a jew). Work for everyone else?

Is this the weirdest thing you ve heard of a neighbor doing?

Back when I was living in an apartment block, the neighbor upstairs just didn't like any of the albums I played on my stereo.

One night I came home at midnight or so, very drunk, and put on Millions Now Living Will Never Die. The bassline of Djed kicked in, and all of a sudden he runs downstairs and attacks our door with a fucking hammer.

He actually knocked an entire whole in the door, so when I ran out to see what the fuck was going on, there were his eyes, looking right at me through the new hole, and he says very quietly, "Turn off that fucking music".

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