Little details from your day

benadrian wrote:
tallchris wrote:I bought a MIJ reissue Mustang bass off Ebay.

I'm really stoked about this bass, though a short scale is going to look ridiculous on me.

Wow. that will look silly.


The Musicmaster I play guitar on looks silly enough.

My fiancée also wanted to learn how to play bass, so we're splitting the cost.
Pure L wrote:I get shocked whenever I use my table saw while barefooted.

I Made Out With You Before You Were Cool
Don't Sit On The Pickets

Little details from your day

Seriously, the shitty shit passed off as blow has to stop. I am going to Just Say No from now on. I've felt like total crud since Billy's birthday (Saturday).

Also, with my paycheck (fucking late, thanks a pantload ya jerk) came the crap news that my part-time employer will no longer be paying me off the books. This means if I want to work I have to give up my health insurance (Medicaid). The job is on-call and very random, and I dunno if I want to sacrifice medical and dental security for shot-in-the-dark hours. It also means I'd be taking a paycut (taxes) unless I ask for about a $2 raise.

Crap all round.

Little details from your day

A student in my creative writing class today contested John Gardner's assertion that having absolutely mastered grammar, punctuation, and syntax is essential to effective fiction writing. "If my story's interesting enough and my characters are good enough, why should anybody care if my sentences aren't perfect?" I asked his classmates to retort for me, but nobody was willing to take the bait. "Allow me to use an analogy," I said. "Do you expect me to fully appreciate how good your chocolate mousse is if you feed it to me with a snow shovel?"
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.

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