Little details from your day

Mandroid2.0 wrote:That's only because I can't compute what your crazy non-American monetary system entails. To me, all of that looks like you lost enough money to buy a hot dog from a street vendor, or else Montana.

About $1,000 mate.

But yeah, like Zaf says, I should get it all back - eventually. Just gonna have a few cash flow problems.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


Little details from your day

Mandroid2.0 wrote:That's only because I can't compute what your crazy non-American monetary system entails. To me, all of that looks like you lost enough money to buy a hot dog from a street vendor, or else Montana.

We have American in the office this week, and they express a degree of disgust at the price of things in the UK that you don't normally see outside of care homes for the elderly. That's until they visit our casinos and win big at the blackjack tables. Then it's all 'oh doude this is like SOOOOO radical, I'm like totally gonna buy a speedboat when I git back ta the States [sheds a single patriotic tear] and buy my best gal a Nickelback CD'...

Little details from your day

Sorry to hear that Simmo. But well done Rimbaud III.

I am very, very tired and enjoying visions of the Guinness vortex in my guts. (They look a little like the awesome coffee cup universe shot in "2 ou 3 choses que je sais d'elle".)

I must remember to thank Johnnyshape for giving me a pair of toothbrushes, which has made me slightly less noisome around my neighbours on my last day in this office. I must also remember to test this incredible conjuring of useful items ability next time I see him. I really need a bag full of money. Thank you Johnnyshape.

Cranius's gorgeous cat anticipated my alarm call by ten minutes when she jumped on my head then knocked a washing frame on top of me. Actually very welcome. Chez Cranius has great hospitality and delicious tea, much better than the greasy slop I'm drinking at the moment. Thank you Cranius.

My morning has a lysergic quality to it and I am very, very tired.
Gib Opi kein Opium, denn Opium bringt Opi um!

Little details from your day

simmo wrote:I love the fact that everyone's congratulating Rimbaud and noone is commiserating me.


OK, this obviously dates back to your previous fraud incident in France so we can assume a Frenchie is to blame. We can't find out which Frenchie so I suggest you lay the blame squarely at the feet of your girlfriend. She will understand. She will take the wrath on behalf of the French.
I am saying - Simmo: beat up Helene.

Little details from your day

burun wrote:
simmo wrote:
honeyisfunny wrote:I am saying - Simmo: beat up Helene.


I am an evil, evil bitch for laughing at this out loud.

Helene, if you ever come to the States, I will teach you some Simmo-deflecting techniques if you need some help. However, I am positive you can defend yourself against his misplaced wrath against the Fronch.

The Fronch?

Inspector Clouseau?

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