Little details from your day

burun wrote:Considering nobody ever calls me here except security ("Who violated room D-426?" is what they always ask me) and vendors asking for someone who died more than a year ago, I doubt that I need a phone 17.4% better than this one.

However, if your phone makes the phone sexing business easier, well, salut!

My favourite thing to do with these phones is dial one of them, conference all the others in the office in on it and set them all to speaker phone. You can control the feedback by moving them back and forth - best achieved with them sat on office chairs.

Call me and I'll conference you in on some art.

Little details from your day

daniel robert chapman wrote:I logged onto the EA Forum to find that Americans are now aspiring to quieten Simmo's moaning.


( edit:: btw.... this is not meant to be mean spirited. I like this simmo fellow. I do hope he'll come visit after his period of bereavement ends. I never know if my nudgenudgewink gets translated over the wire...)
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Little details from your day

dontfeartheringo wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I logged onto the EA Forum to find that Americans are now aspiring to quieten Simmo's moaning.


( edit:: btw.... this is not meant to be mean spirited. I like this simmo fellow. I do hope he'll come visit after his period of bereavement ends. I never know if my nudgenudgewink gets translated over the wire...)

Simmo just came round my house, took a mobile phone charger and declared that he would have sex with anybody of any age if they were wearing high heels. I am not lying.

Little details from your day

honeyisfunny wrote:
dontfeartheringo wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I logged onto the EA Forum to find that Americans are now aspiring to quieten Simmo's moaning.


( edit:: btw.... this is not meant to be mean spirited. I like this simmo fellow. I do hope he'll come visit after his period of bereavement ends. I never know if my nudgenudgewink gets translated over the wire...)

Simmo just came round my house, took a mobile phone charger and declared that he would have sex with anybody of any age if they were wearing high heels. I am not lying.

They kind of hurt my knees.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Little details from your day


i was on the hiring committee that chose my new short boss, so i have only myself to blame. he looked good on paper, really. we wanted an attorney for this position since very specialized legal opinions/information are sought after from my department, and he also had previous experience directing a department in the same field and experience doing adjacent type work.

again, both yesterday and today, i requested of him information that an attorney in his area of expertise ought to know. he did not know the answer and requested that i ask these questions of an attorney higher up in the organization.

now. here's the thing. i knew the answers to these question but since i am not an attorney i cannot dispense this information to clients, he can.

i'm seriously considering bringing this up to someone, i don't yet know to whom. if i say anything to him, my time here is gonna feel much more stressful than it already does. if i tell his supervisor about this who knows what could happen.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Little details from your day


at the training i attended a few weeks ago we had our personalities profiled. the test was "comprehensive report by "Professional Dynametric Programs, Inc." designed to give "individuals valuable insight into their own behaviors and communication style." The test is, to use the parlance of my new short boss, meyers-briggs on steroids.

my results were that i am high dominance, low extroversion, low pace (means i like to get things done), conformity was right in the middle, the latter means i can conform or not depending on how important i feel doing so is.

in the "energy drain" section of the 17 page insight into my personality it reads, "Energy drain is reaching a level of significance that may raise a question of concern. The energy drain is "QUITE SIGNIFICANT." i barely have enough energy to do what i am supposed to do.

today my short boss walked into my office and asked "hey, you were high dominance and low extroversion, right?"


"that's funny because i am middle extroversion. what's your pace?"

"low pace, medium conformity."

"oh. good deal."
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Little details from your day

enframed wrote:my personality is here. be careful. it's very fragile.

When I downloaded it, all I got were big red letters saying "HE'S A DICK."

Fo real though, you prob shouldn't tell your new short boss anything about your personality test results or he'll never leave you alone about it. As it is, he's probably going to keep telling you about his.

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