bored wrote:I realy want to buy this machine but i only find it on the eBay.Do you know if its safe to buy something from there??
eBay can be safe, or you can get your money stolen. It all depends on the integrity of the seller, how smart you are as a buyer, and how you pay for the item in question.
A better question is "should YOU buy an Otari tape recorder on eBay?"
I could buy an Otari tape machine on eBay, because if it arrives at my door and doesn't work, I know that I have knowledge and experience at fixing such a machine. If you have no knowledge or experience at fixing such a machine, and there is no one in your part of Greece that can fix such a machine, then buying one on eBay is probably a mistake.
Lately, especially with some more complicated items like analog tape machines, eBay has been getting a bad reputation as a place where it is very easy to buy broken equipment and very hard to buy working equipment.
I think you want a working tape machine. You should really try to find one that you can inspect and see operate in person if you are not familiar with tape machines or don't know how to fix one.