Boombats wrote:I'm coming for dinner
The zinc will be good for you
Moderator: Greg
Boombats wrote:I'm coming for dinner
B_M_L wrote:It's my last day of work today for almost a month...
Someone came over to my desk and started talking work at me - I really just wanted to say "what do I care?". I didn't, I just waited till he was done and smiled. Really... What do I care? Holiday. I feel like I'm on valium or something.
See y'all in a month.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.
simmo wrote:Someone make my carrot and grapefruits smoke. Please.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.
floog wrote:
Over the next decade or so, this generation will be gone. I'm fucking glad to have been around when they still are.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.
enframed wrote:floog wrote:
Over the next decade or so, this generation will be gone. I'm fucking glad to have been around when they still are.
nice contribution.
the above is what hit me hardest. ditto.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom
Marsupialized wrote:I sit around and screw around on a computer all day, then go home and eat hamburgers.
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