Most terrifying weapon

you see, gold is an element (Au). and as such is not made of any molecules. just gold atoms

ok, have to check on that. yes gold is an element so i suppose your right on that. i'll be honest, and say that not being a physics expert i don't know how true in light of your reminder the example was, however it was an example stated in an article i perused some months ago when i first heard about this (in the independant i think, or perhaps the guardian...). anyway, as i said it was an example given and as such one that i chose to use in my explanation of roughly how the theory of the science works.

if im wrong, i blame the scientists! anyway, your most likely right on that one, so good call and apologies all round.

no gold for me. boohoo...

Most terrifying weapon

MrFood wrote:
uk_chris wrote:the way in which this technology works is that it rearanges things at the sub atomic level. you could literaly thow some nanites into a bath tub full of wood, and if given the right commands they could turn that wood into gold, all by rearranging the molecules.

Hello UK Chris.

erm. no. no this couldn't happen. ever. unless the wood contained gold. which i don't think it does. not usually anyway.

you see, gold is an element (Au). and as such is not made of any molecules. just gold atoms.

stop being silly.

Well, it wouldn't be rearranging the molecules then, but protons, electrons, and neutrons. Still not especially possible. But with electron bombardment and the like, it is possible to convert one pure element to another. Just extremely expensive, unstable, and pointless.

Most terrifying weapon


The most terrifying weapon is the hydrogen bomb. The thing needs an atomic bomb as a detonator --- think about that.

But the most terrifying weapon against an individual would be something that wouldn't kill him right away but would instead keep him alive, indefinitely, in unmitgated agony. Sort of like the Sarlacc Pit Monster but in spray form.

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