You insult like a girl.

Crap - girls insult fine.
Total votes: 10 (63%)
Not Crap - girls have cooties.
Total votes: 6 (38%)
Total votes: 16

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

Maybe somebody will think I'm trying to score some feminist points here, but I don't mind having my motives questioned:

How does it make sense to insult somebody by comparing them to a woman? I've seen a post today (no names no links) where one poster says the other is wearing a male maxi-pad, and another where a poster asks if two other (male) posters are on the rag.

What does it mean if the worst thing you can say about a man is that he's acting like a woman? What does that say about your view of women? Eh, I've probably been guilty of this too, but, let's try to make an effort here.

Note: this doesn't necessarily cover the epithet "pussy," since that's not a woman, but a part of a woman. You can discuss your C/NC opinions on calling someone a "pussy," but that's not what I'm talking about.

Note: this does, cover calling someone "hysterical." "Hysterical" comes from the Greek word for "uterus." Calling somebody "hysterical" means they're acting like someone who has a uterus. So that counts. Unless you think that calling somebody "hysterical" means they're acting like a uterus, in which case see the first note.

Note: this probably doesn't apply to Marsupialized. We all know and love his hilarious persona, which couldn't exist without sporadic misogyny (which I suspect is mostly insincere). Plus I want FedEx di$count$.
Why do you make it so scary to post here.

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

Linus Van Pelt wrote:
Note: this does, cover calling someone "hysterical." "Hysterical" comes from the Greek word for "uterus." Calling somebody "hysterical" means they're acting like someone who has a uterus. So that counts. Unless you think that calling somebody "hysterical" means they're acting like a uterus, in which case see the first note.


For Lacan there is an intimate connection between hysteria and femininity.
Most hysterics are women, just as most obsessional neurotics are men.

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

Some dudes act like chicks, what can I say?

See the dudes who try and insult me on here by telling me I am not as pretty in person as I guess they imagined I'd be. It's happened more than once.

'Well, you were not very skinny when I met you'

What else can you say about a dude who thinks like that?

I mean, what kind of man would even have that in his mind when meeting another dude? No man would, exactly.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

Rick Reuben wrote:Men can act like bitches. Gay men call other gay men bitches all the time. I thought bitch was no longer a gender-specific insult. The word has been liberated for all society to use. Also, I've heard men referred to as sluts and whores also. Are those 'women only' insults?

Not the same thing. When a man calls a woman a "slut" or a "bitch," it demans that woman to a much greater extent than those same words would demean a gay man or even a straight man.

The reason for this is obvious. To call a woman a slut is to make it clear to her that you think (a) there should be more circumspection regarding sex among females than among males, i.e. that there should exist a double standard, and (b) that you have no respect for her as a person and find her contemptible because she is using her body as a means to achieve either money or drinks or even affection, whatever the case may be. Because she has sex more often than you're comfortable with, she is now filthy and worthless in your eyes, worthy of no respect. If you call a guy a "whore," he'll laugh along because he knows he's just like all other guys -- he loves pussy and wants to set up a tent in that shit and live there all day long. If you call a woman a whore, you're implying that she uses her body to earn a living. The implication is a necessary outgrowth of the fact that women and men are still socially conditioned to view one another as divided into the powerless and the powerful, respectively.

When you call a woman a bitch, you're (a) erecting another double standard whereby women are supposed to be more circumspect in their opinions and volubility than men are supposed to be, and (b) you're also degrading her. A guy is just opinionated or "prickly," while a woman is something less than human for saying what she says.

That said, I have known more than one out-and-out whore in my life. Not like they were prostitutes, but they used their beauty as a way to extort money and support from their scumbag boyfriends. And I've known more than one out-and-out bitch in my life, too. But I didn't call them those things, because I don't want to perpetuate the stereotypical slurs which probably played no small role in helping them develop those character traits in the first place. And I never viewed them in a worse light as a result of their whoredom and bitchery. Different strokes for different folks. There are many worse things than whoredom and bitchery in this world.

I don't think you'd support calling black people "niggers" just because they call themselves that. I don't think that this word has been "liberated" just because its usage has changed over time.
Last edited by NerblyBear_Archive on Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Gay People Rock

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

NerblyBear wrote:When you call a woman a bitch, you're (a) erecting another double standard whereby women are supposed to be more circumspect in their opinions and volubility than men are supposed to be, and (b) you're also degrading her. A guy is just opinionated or "prickly," while a woman is something less than human for saying what she says.

The use of 'bitch' isn't that specific though, is it? Mostly it just seems to be used as a general-purpose derogatory term that can be applied to women ('That fucking bitch ran over my dog!') ... so it performs a necessary function, since most other general-purpose derogatory terms are commonly only applied to men - (dick, prick, cock, arsehole, douchebag, jerk, motherfucker, shit, shithead, etc). And 'cunt', while fairly gender non-specific, is still a mainstream no-no.

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