Total votes: 116 (78%)
Total votes: 33 (22%)
Total votes: 149


Man the thing about Tony Orlando is that he's a jealous motherfucker. I spent the early 70s banging Dawn (yes, both of them) and he couldn't take it. They kinda rubbed his face in it, actually, like dropping hints in stage banter, pretending the mic was my cock and fighting over it, that sort of thing.

So he makes a phone call and gets me added to a smuggling indictment naming Hector Argonotes as a co-conspirator. Argonotes was an infamous Ecuadoran rat who sent about 100 people away, and anybody he named got federal time See, the DEA had like 100 hours of tape on this guy just rattling off names to an agent. Anybody they wanted, he'd just spin it, like "When I mentioned el Gato Rojo, well that was this guy's nickname, and Gallo Púrpura, well, that was this other guy..."

So Orlando pulls some strings, and suddenly, my nombre para drogas is Bolsa Gigante, and I'm looking at doing a double sawbuck for some bullshit about flying a plane into a fucking quarterhorse ranch in Humboldt... just pure cockamamie bullshit.

Anyway, that took about a year to sort out, and during that time I had to leave Vegas because my entertainers' license was revoked from all this bullshit. Long story short, about ten years ago, I get a call to MC for Rip Taylor at the fucking Frontier or some shithole -- hey, it's work -- and when I check in to my room, this prick has the maid leave a head shot on my pillow.

Orlando, Cocksucker. Anyway, I got $45 for it on eBay from a menopausal ex-dental assistant in Berwyn. I see you get around those parts.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.


steve wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:Now tell me seriously, purely as a song on it's own, you think it's shit?
I think you will not.

This has a charming vocal, and I could imagine it being sung earnestly, in its way.

Unfortunately, everything else about it is horrible. The Beck part, the Enya part, the Ringtone part, the stream-of-Cheryl Crow-conciousness everyday subject matter, the low-fi toy music affectation, the digital drama of the ooo-waa backing vocal... I'd rather not go on, but I could.

That you have not recognized and been repulsed by these transparent cliches indicates that you have led a life sheltered from self-absorbed dilettantes, and for that you ought to be grateful. You remind me of a bushman awestruck by the magic and mystery of a Coca Cola bottle. It is easy to imagine that such a bushman can appreciate things I cannot, and to almost envy him.

But then I remember that bushmen have to eat grubs, wipe their asses with leaves and contract malaria.

Soup you are an iron-clad enigma. Knock yourself out.

LOL..... I love posts like this one and others from Albini, these posts in which his deep-rooted contempt regarding certain petty matters emerges in all its adolescent verbosity and posturing. Arguing and huffing about musical taste is like arguing that New York pizza is better than the stuff from Lou Malnati's or Uno; it's highly subjective and really petty.

People who make such remarks and statements crack me up and bewilder me all at once. [The] God(s?) must [either] be

1) Crazy, or...
2) [T][H]e[y] have/has a sense of irony which far exceeds any of our sensibilities.

...for making people like you!

I subscribe to the latter of the two notions.

I love ya, 'bini


matthew wrote:posts in which his deep-rooted contempt regarding certain petty matters emerges in all its adolescent verbosity and posturing...

Haw haw haw! Killing me! Haw haw haw!
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.


steve wrote:
matthew wrote:posts in which his deep-rooted contempt regarding certain petty matters emerges in all its adolescent verbosity and posturing...

Haw haw haw! Killing me! Haw haw haw!

Previously on this forum of yours, Steve, I've engaged in arguments. I've argued about things such as the morality of capital punishment, the morality of abortion, the existence of God [I enjoyed that discussion, as I recall now] cetera. These are not trivial matters as they have far-reaching implications in our culture and society. I have never once engaged in a serious, whole-hearted argument about any trivial matters on this forum...most especially musical taste, a topic upon which you indulge in all manner of truly...uh...self-indulgent rhetoric.


matthew wrote:
Previously on this forum of yours, Steve, I've engaged in arguments. I've argued about things such as the morality of capital punishment, the morality of abortion, the existence of God [I enjoyed that discussion, as I recall now] cetera. These are not trivial matters as they have far-reaching implications in our culture and society. I have never once engaged in a serious, whole-hearted argument about any trivial matters on this forum...most especially musical taste, a topic upon which you indulge in all manner of truly...uh...self-indulgent rhetoric.

Shut the fuck up, this is the CocoRosie thread.

That said, I gotta say that I really like that Ohio song, more than the Damian Jurado version. Slay away.
I've seen the bridges burning in the night.


steve wrote:I spent the early 70s banging Dawn (yes, both of them) and he couldn't take it. They kinda rubbed his face in it, actually, like dropping hints in stage banter, pretending the mic was my cock and fighting over it, that sort of thing.

Early 70s?. I think you were molested by two paedophiles. Taking even 1975 as the year of your doubleteam "de-flowerment", you would be 13 then. I hope it has dawned on you, that you were Nabokoved, lolitalbini :roll: .Orlando probably could not take it that you were taking it.

Chris Hansen

Dateline NBC

anyways, juss badjoking

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