You insult like a girl.

Crap - girls insult fine.
Total votes: 10 (63%)
Not Crap - girls have cooties.
Total votes: 6 (38%)
Total votes: 16

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

Linus Van Pelt wrote:Note: this does, cover calling someone "hysterical." "Hysterical" comes from the Greek word for "uterus." Calling somebody "hysterical" means they're acting like someone who has a uterus.

'Hysteria' was madness caused by a supposed problem in the uterus, root cause being lack of sex. You'd more accurately be saying they were acting like someone whose uterus was wandering up (thanks, Wikipedia!) because they weren't getting any... which is an awesome insult, if only for weirdness.
Last edited by Mark Van Deel_Archive on Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

Linus Van Pelt wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:nope, the chicks are always cool

They act like dudes, you mean?

Not one bit. The cool type woman, so rare and sought after, is in every way conceivable on a level so much higher than any dude out there you might as well be comparing a brown garden slug to a majestic bald eagle.

There is nothing greater on this planet than a really cool girl. Whether you are banging them or not.
In awe of them, I am. Like a treasure when one comes into your life.
Even the coolest dude you ever meet, it's just some dude you know.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

I was thinking the same thing, Linus...
Insulting someone by comparing them to a female is sexist. Unfortunately certain things are so embedded in slang that a non-sexist can easily accidentally make a sexist remark.
Someone did this in another thread... Called someone racist then insulted them in a way that compared them to a woman. Kinda hypocritical. Except I don't think the person was sexist. Just an unfortunate use of slang for that topic.

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

Rick Reuben wrote: The insult 'nigger', when used by non-blacks, is often used to imply that blacks are inferior biologically. Totally different category from 'bitch'. If a woman is called a 'dog', then you are referring to her as less than human.

A bitch is a dog, a female dog in heat.

If I say "what's up dog?" to a woman, is that worse than saying "hey bitch, what's up?"

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

Using feminine descriptions for behaviour that you find unacceptable is weak. Not only is it weak, but it betrays a lot about the person that does it, especially people that do it habitually (girls as much as dudes).

It is as bad as the use of colonial language to describe things that are 'savage' or 'uncivilized'.

Misogyny makes me just as uncomfortable as racism.

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

Dave, it's interesting you describe this behavior as "weak", when that's the sort of thing a guy might mean when calling another guy a "bitch" or "feminine".

I don't really use these terms, like calling a guy a woman, although I do say "he's bitching", or "stop bitching". If I were to get into a heated argument with a woman, I might say "you're acting like a bitch", but I don't call the person a bitch. It's a cop out to label people a certain thing, and leaving it at that. It's lazy. Instead of pointing out what it is they're wrong about, people resort to name calling. I figure the term is more appropriate towards someone's actions, and not themselves.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

Skronk wrote:Dave, it's interesting you describe this behavior as "weak", when that's the sort of thing a guy might mean when calling another guy a "bitch" or "feminine".

My choice of word was intentional, I was hoping that someone would essentially raise this point.

Are you trying to imply that the word 'weak' is essentially feminine?

I don't really use these terms, like calling a guy a woman, although I do say "he's bitching", or "stop bitching". If I were to get into a heated argument with a woman, I might say "you're acting like a bitch", but I don't call the person a bitch. It's a cop out to label people a certain thing, and leaving it at that. It's lazy. Instead of pointing out what it is they're wrong about, people resort to name calling. I figure the term is more appropriate towards someone's actions, and not themselves.

If you accept 'bitch', then you'll have to accept 'faggot' because it refers to shrewish or nagging women. Then later it meant men with those attributions, then later on it graduated to becoming the most pejorative way of saying fudgepacker.

Wouldn't surprise me if 'bitch' went the same way.

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

Are you people in the 'sexist' camp actually telling me there are zero behavioral differences between men and women? Or are you saying it's wrong to notice these differences?

If I saw a dog shit in a kitty litter box I'd say 'Look at that dog he is acting like a cat!' Is that offensive to the dog or belittling to the cat?

I don't think so, it's just that dogs usually act more like dogs and it's strange to see one acting like a cat.

I'm sorry but women and men act differently, they think differently, talk differently, approach problems differently. That's not a bad thing.

Men and women are different. Admittedly women are far superior to men in almost every regard but just like men they do have their faults.

When a man comes by and exhibits some of these female traits, especially the bad ones, I am not supposed to notice?

If some dude I work with bursts into tears at his desk out of nowhere and runs into the bathroom to cry for a half hour....wouldn't that be really fucked up? Everyone would think he was insane and he'd probably get fired.
If a girl I work with did it nobody would even notice, and if they did it's perfectly acceptable.
That's because men and women are different. It's ok to notice.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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