Little details from your day

benadrian wrote:My flat tire from Saturday night, which I fixed w/ fix a flat on Sunday, came back on Monday morning. Luckily, my home is 100 feet from a tire shop.

Twenty fife dollars and 45 minutes later, I have a plugged, working tire.



Twenty-five bucks is awful expensive for a plugged tire. It should take five minutes and cost ten dollars.

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

Little details from your day

Dr. Venkman wrote:
benadrian wrote:My flat tire from Saturday night, which I fixed w/ fix a flat on Sunday, came back on Monday morning. Luckily, my home is 100 feet from a tire shop.

Twenty fife dollars and 45 minutes later, I have a plugged, working tire.



Twenty-five bucks is awful expensive for a plugged tire. It should take five minutes and cost ten dollars.

Yeah, probably. However, they were quite busy. As for the price, well, I'm sure it's the bay area inflation as well as the fact that it was worth it to me to roll with the flat to the tire shop.

If I could have found a place to do it for $10, I would have lost more than $15 in pay at my job because of the extra time it would have take me to put on my spare and drive to another tire shop, have them plug it and switch to my plugged tire.

I find that happening to me a lot. I can find lots of ways to save money, but since I work hourly, and generally can pick up hours at will, I find that I can spend the time working at my job and make more than than I'd save spending that time doing something else.


Little details from your day

What the shit is going on with the weather in Chicago that has canceled every flight I could have taken home from LA since 8:30 this morning? The reports say 40 degrees and raining. FUUUCK YOUUUUUUU.

Perhaps they did indeed find a bomb in the toothpaste that was confiscated from me on the way out. Threat level: Minty Green, bitches.
H-GM wrote:Still don't make you mexican, Dances With Burros.

Little details from your day

itchy mcgoo wrote:What the shit is going on with the weather in Chicago that has canceled every flight I could have taken home from LA since 8:30 this morning? The reports say 40 degrees and raining. FUUUCK YOUUUUUUU.

Perhaps they did indeed find a bomb in the toothpaste that was confiscated from me on the way out. Threat level: Minty Green, bitches.

Fog, pretty much every flight canceled at midway 80% of them at O'Hare
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Little details from your day

We played a show at a teen center in Warm Beach, Washington on Saturday.

It was "Mustache Night". None of us had mustaches (yet), so we drew them on our pointer fingers with sharpie:





Adam, our second guitar player, let the kids trim his full beard down to a mustache during our set. He is far more trusting than I.
Pure L wrote:I get shocked whenever I use my table saw while barefooted.

I Made Out With You Before You Were Cool
Don't Sit On The Pickets

Little details from your day

lemur68 wrote:This makes for a great story, but why couldn't you have just waited til today and gone to Target?

My car isn't really safe to drive at the moment. It's awaiting a belt change because one of the power steering belts is 1/2" too long due to a mishap at the automotive store. Since Ben works all day today (9 AM-10 PM) and potentially has work and band practice all day tomorrow, there's not really a way I can get out to either of the closest Targets before Wednesday. I mean, I guess I could have taken the bus and carried the containers home on my head like an African woman.

EDIT: Also, going shopping pretty much anywhere in the Bay Area isn't all that much different than the Wal-Mart experience. People roam freely like dribbling, idiot zombies and the workers' intellects seem to have ceased development at around the age of 10. It's like they can only do one thing that they were trained to do, and if anything goes wrong and they need to do something different they can't handle the change or adapt to the circumstances without relying on the one person (who is probably from the Midwest) working at the store with any inkling of logic to fix it for them.
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

Little details from your day

crevecoeur wrote:
Sly Bug wrote:Hé reste cool. Pas la peine de se prendre le chou pour ça...

On peut pas dire qu'ils aient complètement tort non plus et il faut bien reconnaitre que:
- les français à l'étranger font souvent un complexe de supériorité, et je veux bien croire qu'on passe pour arrogants,
- on n'est pas spécialement accueillant chez nous non plus en général.

Quant aux vidéos que tu as postées, interroge 100 français, garde les plus gratinés et tu auras un reportage du même acabit. Ce serait pareil avec n'importe quel pays.

C'est vrai que j'ai rencontré de bons crétins aux Etats Unis, mais je suis sûr qu'on a les mêmes chez nous. :wink:

Yop !
Mais je suis cool ! y a pas de souci :lol:
Je voulais juste insister sur le fait que ce sont des stéréotypes éculés, et que je vois pas l'utilité de rebondir sur ça de la façon dont il l'a fait... Evidemment que les vidéos que j'ai postée sont aussi débiles, c'était juste une façon de lui montrer que ça marche dans les deux sens...

Frenchies conspiring in their native moon language! On this fine American message board! I am ENRAGED.

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