You insult like a girl.

Crap - girls insult fine.
Total votes: 10 (63%)
Not Crap - girls have cooties.
Total votes: 6 (38%)
Total votes: 16

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

not crap. let people use these insults. let them reveal the weak quirks of their own psyche. let them reveal their own deep-seated mother issues for all to see. let the feminists have a ball with dissecting their psyche and, on an intellectual level, reducing them to cogs worthy of contempt. they (the misogynists) just make themselves into the losers in the end.

there's a place for it though. can be funny sometimes.
Last edited by BClark_Archive on Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total. (band) (i make beats for that dude)

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

I'm a carpenter. The term 'Sally' is pretty standard stuff in this field. I don't read too much in to it, because honestly, there really are very few people named Sally that would have had an easy time picking up that beam. Lately we have been on a kick of substituting more and more obscure girls names for this purpose, Hermione is quite popular these days. We also sometimes talk like that guy from the Silence of the Lambs: "put the fucking nail gun in the job box ... ohhh I'd fuck me ...". The idea that calling someone a woman with a sense of real venom, as if that is a terrible insult, well that's kinda weird I guess.

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

This is stupid. There is definitely a place in human society for gender-specific insults, otherwise we'd never have invented them.

Many women I know are pretty quick to call another woman "bitch", or "slut", "whore" whatever. But if a man does it, it's wrong? I don't follow that reasoning. It's just like calling a man "dickhead", "prick", "numbnuts" or the like. So what? Get over it.

I personally feel that derogatory terms which characterize a woman as overly sexually responsive (ie. "loose" or "easy") are pretty stupid. Those kinds of insults are usually based on outdated modes of thought regarding feminine roles, or else they're expressions of male insecurity or female jealousy. I don't feel it's appropriate to judge a person (male or female) on the basis of how much sex that person enjoys, unless that person deliberately uses his or her sexuality to abuse or unfairly manipulate others.

But to get back on topic, epithets which imply that a man is effeminite, girly or "bitchy" is IMO just a way of adding insult by attacking the male ego. It's like saying a woman is coarse, unattractive or mannish. Nobody likes being called out of their sex, because sex is such an integral part of our identity as individuals.

AFAIC, insults are intended to offend, period. If you really want to offend somebody, Western language and culture provide you with plenty of attack vectors. But before you start slinging invectives, you may want to make sure that what you say isn't going to insult any innocent bystanders. Using insults that defame minorities or other broad sections of the population (no pun intended ;)), will increase the likelihood of collateral damage, and that's a quick-and-dirty way to make a roomful of enemies.

When it comes to hurling slander, it's best to keep it as pointed as possible. Instead of going the cheap route of attacking their sex or ethnicity or whatever, why not just directly target their own personal foibles and failures? People really notice when you add that extra personal touch.

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

Marsupialized wrote:Are you people in the 'sexist' camp actually telling me there are zero behavioral differences between men and women? Or are you saying it's wrong to notice these differences?

If I saw a dog shit in a kitty litter box I'd say 'Look at that dog he is acting like a cat!' Is that offensive to the dog or belittling to the cat?

I don't think so, it's just that dogs usually act more like dogs and it's strange to see one acting like a cat.

I'm sorry but women and men act differently, they think differently, talk differently, approach problems differently. That's not a bad thing.

Men and women are different. Admittedly women are far superior to men in almost every regard but just like men they do have their faults.

When a man comes by and exhibits some of these female traits, especially the bad ones, I am not supposed to notice?

If some dude I work with bursts into tears at his desk out of nowhere and runs into the bathroom to cry for a half hour....wouldn't that be really fucked up? Everyone would think he was insane and he'd probably get fired.
If a girl I work with did it nobody would even notice, and if they did it's perfectly acceptable.
That's because men and women are different. It's ok to notice.

Exactly. All of you limp pricks need to wipe the sand out of your vaginas.

Type of Insult: Comparing to Woman

When I am "on the rag" it means that I am raging in a hormonal manner. Telling a woman that she "has balls" means that she is doing something risky. I don't believe that someone has to explain this shit.

It's not an insult to a woman to ascribe female hormonal behavior to a man. Stupid oversensitive bullshit is what it is. Who started this thread? (checks) Oh.

PS - The poll doesn't match the topic.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

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