New Bruce Springsteen song = 867-5309

losthighway wrote:Come on- don't you ever get so fed up with your no-good boss at the plant, so you wait for Friday so you can get your best girl and go speedin down the highway with the rock and roll station turned up loud. You call yourself uh 'merican?

I actually think that album is kind of awesome. Not so much that song.
You left out the part where you pay $80 to see the Boss.

He's so blue collar.

New Bruce Springsteen song = 867-5309

losthighway wrote:Come on- don't you ever get so fed up with your no-good boss at the plant, so you wait for Friday so you can get your best girl and go speedin down the highway with the rock and roll station turned up loud. You call yourself uh 'merican?

I actually think that album is kind of awesome. Not so much that song.

Many moons ago, I worked at a record store with this kid that was a huge Springsteen fanatic. He used to always sneak a Boss disc into the player during his shift which pissed off the rest of the employees and often the customers.

One time he and I were standing behind the counter and "Born in the USA" started playing. A customer he was ringing up snickered, "Why are you guys listening to this crap? You work in a record store. You are not fucking coal miners."

My co-worker became very upset. I was in pain from laughing so hard.
**Do we need the other Chemical Bros. records??

New Bruce Springsteen song = 867-5309

mike thompson wrote:the ghost of tom joad is a great album. and parts of nebraska as well.

you guys should pretend you dont know who he is and listen to that record.

or dont. i dont care.

carry on.

All of Nebraska is great. I like Bruce Springsteen. Really, I do. I'm just sayin' - that particular song is Jenny (8675309) by Tommy Tutone. 'sall.
Yeah, what Mike said...listen to Nebraska, like now.

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

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