The dumbest people you ve ever known

My first year in college, I took one of the 100-level history classes that were required if you wanted to graduate four years later. I wanted to get that stuff out of the way early, so I picked a course about the first half of the 20th century because I knew it would be easy. Everyone else in the class was a senior who had put off the boring requisite courses until the last semester of his college career.

The professor was an affable Scottish guy who seemed to know his stuff...but then again he should have as it was all relatively recent history, including two World Wars. Who didn't know about this stuff?

In the second half of the course we got into the roots of WWII. The professor had just spent most of the three-hour class rattling off the stuff you'd expect to hear about Hitler's rise to power - the Beer Hall Putsch, the Reichstag fire, Kristallnacht, etc. - and one of the seniors raised his hand and asked, in all seriousness, "If the SS and the SA were so powerful, why didn't they fight the Nazis?"

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