Cranius wrote:I was just crossing Hyde Park, at the Kensington Gardens end, on my way to work, when I looked up to see my old friend Jeremy Irons walking his dogs along the path towards me. Of course, I greeted him instantly and we struck up a lively conversation about his thick grey moustache, which was a new accoutrement since I'd seen him last. It gives him an air of slightly dishevelled elegance, I have to admit. In fact, overall, he looked quite scruffy; wearing a battered-looking flat cap (back-to-front), a scarf tossed loosely round his neck and over the shoulder, with his fists rooted deep in the pockets of his rumpled coudrouy trousers.
Excellent Pale Fire-esque style in the paragraph. BTFL.
Mon coeur est avec vous et votre grand-pere.