Little details from your day

night_tools wrote:
There were no Guardians. I settled for a Herald.

The first ATP I went to in Camber Sands, I went to the newsagent / supermarket thing they have in Pontin's on Saturday morning to try and buy a Guardian. "No, sorry, none left. God, you're like, the eighteenth person to ask for one this morning. We only had two copies. Normally we don't sell any". There were piles of the Daily Express and Daily Mail two feet high.

Presumably by now they've got used to the regular mass influx of middle-class arty London 'types'.

Little details from your day

This was a couple of weeks ago, but in light of the Jeremy Irons encounter:

I was walking around the lower east side a few weeks ago, back when it was really cold, when I saw an older guy headed towards me dressed in a purple bathrobe and bright blue pajama bottoms with cartoon animals on them. On his feet, green Crocs. He had his hands in his pockets yet was absolutely barreling through the pedestrians on the sidewalk. Right before he collided with me I realized that this was Terrence Stamp.

This was at 11:30am.

Little details from your day

connor wrote:This was a couple of weeks ago, but in light of the Jeremy Irons encounter:

I was walking around the lower east side a few weeks ago, back when it was really cold, when I saw an older guy headed towards me dressed in a purple bathrobe and bright blue pajama bottoms with cartoon animals on them. On his feet, green Crocs. He had his hands in his pockets yet was absolutely barreling through the pedestrians on the sidewalk. Right before he collided with me I realized that this was Terrence Stamp.

This was at 11:30am.

I don't even know how to react to that. It's just that good.

I've lived here for almost 4 fucking years. I never see shit like that! Oh no, I get fucking Kevin Costner and his family having a goddamn Norman Rockwell perfect afternoon at Central Park or Oliver Platt, dressed nattily, crossing the street in a perfectly normal and polite way.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

Little details from your day

connor wrote:an older guy headed towards me dressed in a purple bathrobe and bright blue pajama bottoms with cartoon animals on them. On his feet, green Crocs. He had his hands in his pockets yet was absolutely barreling through the pedestrians on the sidewalk. Right before he collided with me I realized that this was Terrence Stamp.

This was at 11:30am.


Seriously. He's like number one on my portrait "wish list."

night tools wrote:I went into a newsagents this morning to buy a Guardian. Although this was a branch of a large nation-wide chain of newsagents, it was staffed solely by an 18-year old youth with long red hair and a Metallica t-shirt.

Dave Mustaine?
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Little details from your day

I was in Siena a bunch of years ago with my family (return to the ancestral land), and I was the only one among us interested in going to the top of the lovely bell tower in the middle of town. The Italian economy is based on making tourists pay a few hundred lira to climb to the top of something, and as I was walking to the wicket some people leaving the tower were speaking excitedly about Jeremy Irons for no apparent reason. Thinking nothing of it I got into line right behind a tall, middle-aged man accompanied by a cute and fidgety kid about six years old. It takes me a few seconds but I manage to determine that it is indeed Jeremy Irons in line ahead of me.

After several minutes the fidgety kid grew even more fidgety. Jeremy Irons looked down on him and in those stentorian tones said "Do you want to gooo?" with a perfect little kidspeak rising intonation at the end. The kid grinned and nodded, and Jeremy Irons said "Alright then. Let's gooo" and they depart.

I got to the top of the tower, admired the view, waved at my family in the plaza below, and went back down to meet them. My mother greeted me and I said "Hey, you'll never guess, I saw Jeremy Irons waiting in line in there." Momdukes loses her shit utterly -- normally a composed and well-spoken woman who tries to comport herself delicately in public -- and grows wild-eyed. "Jeremy Irons! Jeremy Fucking Irons? Where! Oh shit Jeremy Irons! Is he still here?" She's loud, people are looking. She settles down a bit and apologizes to us, saying "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. But shit, Jeremy Irons."

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