Little details from your day


my new short boss, an attorney at law, told me he changed something in a document i prepared in order to "make it more clearer."

the document is not any more clear, in my estimation, and now i need to forward it to other attorneys. i will make sure they know that my boss approved it. should be interesting.

rant: i am really am at a loss. i don't know if i should let someone know how inept he is. is it my place to do that? i've never worked for someone like this. he's an attorney who apparently knows less than i about his supposed field of specialty. if i speak to him he'll know what i think...could make things very uncomfortable. however, for the good of our organization i feel like i should, eventually, say something to his boss. i'm going to give it a month more at least. i like my job and don't want to look for a new one, and, what i do is pretty specialized, not many jobs out there.
Last edited by enframed_Archive on Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Little details from your day

There's a Greek dude I work with, he is having some serious marital problems. He's been on the phone all day screaming at his wife telling her to get a lawyer and blah blah blah. If he wasn't such a unbearable jerk off I'd feel for him.

He told me she has been cheating on him with a dude who works at a gas station near his house.

Ah, the lives some people set up for themselves.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Little details from your day

I just answered a phone call here at work and the man on the other end of the line said, and I quote 'I have two hippopotamus that need to be sent to Antigua'

He had an English accent. He's serious.

He's on hold right now. I don't even know if I wanna get involved in this one.
I can't even imagine all the nonsense that would be involved in such a shipment.

Sigh. Here goes.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Little details from your day

Sadly, they will not be coming through Chicago or else I'd sneak you in at night to play with them.

The man he works for purchased them from a dealer in Leeds (I guess there's a Hippo dealer in Leeds) and needs them shipped to his private zoo in Antigua.

What a bizarre world this is.

It's gonna cost him around 35 grand from what I can tell, he seemed ok with that price.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Little details from your day

Marsupialized wrote:(I guess there's a Hippo dealer in Leeds)

Greetings from Leeds. I am not aware of any hippo dealers in Leeds. Itchy, if I track this one down and you've got $35k, it's on. Marsupialized, do you know if these are going through Leeds Bradford Airport? I live under the flypath. It'd be nice to know just when this hippo was flying over, so I could wave to it, maybe.
Twenty-four hours a week, seven days a month

Little details from your day

daniel robert chapman wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:(I guess there's a Hippo dealer in Leeds)

Greetings from Leeds. I am not aware of any hippo dealers in Leeds. Itchy, if I track this one down and you've got $35k, it's on. Marsupialized, do you know if these are going through Leeds Bradford Airport? I live under the flypath. It'd be nice to know just when this hippo was flying over, so I could wave to it, maybe.

LBA to ANU, and it's 2 hippos not just one. It's gonna actually be considerably more than 35k. 35k is just our fee for the space and handling, there's a lot more involved. Just building the box to put them in is gonna be a few grand, then they need a pay a vet to check them out for diseases and whatnot and then travel with the hippos and a bunch of other stuff. Probably double that when it's all said and done.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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