Vampire Weekend

Total votes: 36 (80%)
Total votes: 9 (20%)
Total votes: 45

Band: Vampire Weekend

I swear to fucking god, i've already joined the backlash against the backlash against the backlash against this band. Apparently they're the latest Pitchfork flavor of the month, so i'm having difficulty avoiding their name on the internets. I've seen a video. It was a cute video. The song was a pretty "meh" The Clash knockoff.

But seriously, i've been aware of this band for like two weeks and i'm already sick of them, wish they would go away, and barely know what they sound like.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Band: Vampire Weekend

I give this record a NC. I'm not going to hold it against a band for "blowing up" (unless that's exactly their intent. Huge hype may be most gotten by way of wanting it). Simple quirky pop songs that run under 4 minutes (maybe 3) are a nice pick-me-up when it's so dead in the middle of winter that it feels like it's been gray forever and you can't even see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It sounds like a first record, but in a way I can enjoy, like the weaknesses of the first tapes 'n tapes record: I really feel like they're doing their own thing. Maybe I'm just a sucker, but if it's any consolation I have no fucking use for Clap Your Hands Say Yeah.

If I were a freshman in college I would definitely be putting this band on someone's mixtapes despite the fact that their name is retarded.

Band: Vampire Weekend

I thought that song "A-Punk" was ok, if derivative of Aztec Camera.

But Pitchfork's dirty habit of hyping rip-off indie bands needs to fucking STOP. If you like Tapes 'n Tapes, then more power to you- but I heard nothing but dull, dull, dull. For a record so hyped up, I expected it to be listenable. I expect it to have hooks. But no. It sucked. Save for Jakov's Suite, that song alone saved it from being a total waste like Crap Your Pants Say Nah. Worth 14 bucks? Hell no.

Vampire Weekend: Not Crap, but I'm not plumbing the depths.
Tapes 'n Tapes: Crap, one waffle for Jakov's Suite. If they wrote more songs in that same style/caliber I'd pay more attention.
CYHSY: Fuck off. Fuck off, you shitty, shitty band. I'm going to resurrect the C/NC for that band just to make a note of it.

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