i do bikram yoga, which is a set series in a heated room (about 100 F). it's not for everyone, but i believe there is some kind of yoga for everyone, pretty much.
yoga in general is a transformational experience, if one does it regularly. i don't need as much sleep, i eat whatever i want, my cholesterol dropped, i look/feel better and get sick very rarely, etc. i haven't been going enough, however, and i find i need the class interaction to do everything strictly right.
one common misperception about yoga is that it is pretty much just stretching. bikram in particular is heavy aerobic exercise and is great for stretching/toning the entire body. the guy who invented it (bikram) is more than a little grandiose and actually seems like sort of a dick, but don't let that put you off.
Linus Van Pelt wrote:On the serious tip: For those who do weight stuff, what specifically do you do and what are the benefits? I do cardio only, about 30-40 minutes every day that I have time, and I've heard that it's good to also do some weights. I don't care about getting stronger or looking better, but if it helps me be healthier or lose a few, I'll try it. Any advice?
linus, when i lifted weights , i rode a stationary bike for half an hour before lifting. then i did either upper or lower body on a given day.
you can do circuit training, which is designed to provide an all-over (incl. aerobic) workout. it will not build muscle as much as an alternating program, but that's not what you are after.
i'm sure you can get a decent program off the web, whatever you want to do. weight training can be a good aerobic workout if you push yourself, and it feels great.
unless you overdo it, in which case it can feel terrible. it's a lot easier to hurt yourself weight training that doing most other kinds of exercise. it's also not as conducive to weight loss as dedicated aerobic training.