EE Class Week 1 - Lectures 2 and 3.

Not a question, just a comment: I was totally shocked when he demonstrated KCL using the inductive ammeter and he showed that the current through the node was literally zero. Especially as a contrast to the fact that the KVL demonstration had an error of 1% that was very obvious.

Also, a confession: I haven't yet seen lecture 3. I guess I'd better catch up fast!


EE Class Week 1 - Lectures 2 and 3.

For those that haven't watched the second lecture yet, it's heavy on the algebra. Stick with it to the end, though. He lays the foundation for a simpler approach to circuit analysis with the tough stuff at the beginning so that the easier approaches towards the end have a foundation.

Also, I'd recommend printing out the lecture notes to have with you when watching the lecture. The camera moves away from some of the circuit diagrams when he's talking about them. This makes following along ("wait, where was node b again?") difficult - a difficulty solved by having the diagram from the notes. This does make watching this on the subway more difficult, though. Holding your iPod, coffee and lecture notes with only two hands doesn't work. Perhaps I will fashion a harness to make this easier.

PM me for details.

= Justin

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