Little details from your day

Took a day off work today and went to see the Peter Doig exhibition at Tate Britain. Not crap, WF 3 for the last room, where he seems to feel that half finished paintings are where it's at. It isn't. He can't paint people either. But he does forests and snow and buildings very well, in a not very skilled, but knowing what will work and look kind of trippy and 70s manner.

And I got the new Earth album. Not crap.

So all in all, not crap. Days like this are few and far between at the moment.

Little details from your day

rashiedgarrison wrote:Took a day off work today and went to see the Peter Doig exhibition at Tate Britain. Not crap, WF 3 for the last room, where he seems to feel that half finished paintings are where it's at. It isn't. He can't paint people either. But he does forests and snow and buildings very well, in a not very skilled, but knowing what will work and look kind of trippy and 70s manner.

I'm gonna do this next month. I *heart* Peter Doig.

Little details from your day

Where I work, we occasionally get visits by nuns.

They're usually really old, half-senile and just go through the motions with whoever it is that they're praying for/giving communion to, etc.

Today it was an absolutely gorgeous Asian girl who smelled like flowers. I bet she was only about 22 years old.......and it still smells like her here.

From now on, every Friday, I'm gonna be a Catholic.

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