Eddie Murphy

Total votes: 9 (31%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 20 (69%)
Total votes: 29

comedian-actor: Eddie Murphy

say what you will but to this day eddie murphy can be pretty funny, even in his light-hearted family movies. off the top of my head: shrek 2 when donkey turns into a brilliant stallion and starts dancing in place and then strikes a pose. that one moment, just that one part, is so fucking hilarious i can't stand it. it makes the whole shrek enterprise have a point. or in bowfinger when he plays the dorky guy who works at blockbuster... also funny.

comedian-actor: Eddie Murphy

Not Crap. What was funny back in the 80's still makes me laugh today. The Stevie Wonder bit on Delirious, for example, still cracks me up. Yes, the gay jokes seem pretty off these days, but the rest is really good - same with the movies from the 80's holding up.

Yeah, some bad turns with some of the family fare, but overall, Not Crap. WF=3
Mark Lansing wrote:Night Ranger, on the other hand, always sucked like a cheap whore with bad teeth at a Shriner's convention.

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