Little details from your day

The library has all three seasons of the Black Adder on hold for me, and Minor Threat's Complete Discography is on its way as well.

Also just watched Rushmore. I wish more schools had plays like Fisher's, and I want that Asian chick he kept snubbing until the end.
Dr. McNinja wrote:I just surfed a robo dracula from the Moon, so all y'alls can just take it.

Little details from your day

tmidgett wrote:Courtesy my daughter (age 3):

Knock knock.

Who's there.


Wall who?


Wall people.

Something insane like this happens every single day. One time, at a hotel, the ac inadvertantly shut off. Adeline informed me that she "made it stop with her mind!"


For all parents who attempt/are good at Fake Italian, Tomie DiPaulo books (Strega Nona, in particular) are fucking gold.

If your kid can handle a lot of text, these are your gateway to a delightful bedtime free of Dora, Spongebob, or inane nursery rhymes. Actually very light on Catholic rhetoric, too. He also wrote the SADDEST kid's book of all time, Giovanni the Clown of God. Fucking crushing.

Little details from your day

I dreamed last night that I was in the UK, out at some Northern(? or at least, small town, not London) pub with Tommydski, Simmo et Helene, Rimbaud and Sparky, having a meal and a few drinks.

When it came time to pay for my beverages, I realized that I had left my debit card at another pub, and I walked back only to find that the proprietor, our waitress' mother, oddly, had given my debit card to some Belgians, because "They were foreigners too," and she reckoned we'd know each other.

So strange.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Little details from your day

dontfeartheringo wrote:I dreamed last night that I was in the UK, out at some Northern(? or at least, small town, not London) pub with Tommydski, Simmo et Helene, Rimbaud and Sparky, having a meal and a few drinks.

When it came time to pay for my beverages, I realized that I had left my debit card at another pub, and I walked back only to find that the proprietor, our waitress' mother, oddly, had given my debit card to some Belgians, because "They were foreigners too," and she reckoned we'd know each other.

So strange.
not so strange. that dream means: don't spend so much time on the PRF.

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