Little details from your day

I just got back from the Earth show. T'was grand.

Sir Richard Bishop was good too although at the start of every song, he would y'know get his bearings, so to speak and I got the impression all he wanted to do was bust out that great song from SCG's. Nearly but not quite.

Honeyisfunny and Mrs were there, Falsedog was there and I may have stood behind Tanx but I was never even 45% convinced and the bass was very present so I left it.

I also washed the curtains today. They have shrunk by 2 inches.

And I made a steak. It went as well as can be expected.

The weather here is very deceptive of the last week. It has been gloriously sunny and mild during the day, pleasant in the early evening but by 9pm SNAP! Here is the cold cold cold. Hurry up already with the Spring!
Tom wrote: I remember going in the back and seeing him headbanging to Big Black. He looked like he was raping the air- really. He had this look on his face like, "yeah air... you know you want it.".

Little details from your day

Had one of those lunch dates where you rapidly determine that the other person has asked you out so that she can clarify her lack of interest in you in an offhanded and friendly way. Hence the "lunch" aspect, which in retrospect should have been a dead giveaway. Meanwhile I am trying to politely fend off the romantic entreaties of a perfectly nice curator who dresses like a Tim Burton movie and to whom I am not attracted in the least. A certain persistent mismatch of intentions seems to have arisen here.

Walking home after lunch the mercury was dropping like a stone. If your bed is uncreased by another at this time of year you are either resolutely single or you seriously fucked up in back in October, when everyone was sorting out their sleeping partners for the more frigid months. Once home I cranked up the heat. The gas bill hits about $300 in the coldest months of the winter, but in the aggregate this is cheaper and more cozying than repeatedly going out to overpriced lunches with people you're failing to impress.

Little details from your day

Ty Webb wrote:We got our first truly cold day here today. I played hooky from work and did not go outside except to take my girlfriend to the train.

I agree. I'm ready for spring (and golf season!).

C'mon, it wasn't THAT cold.

It was, however, cold enough for me to curse my employer whilst walking from the subway all the fucking way to somewhere on Van Fucking Brundt Street to pick up negatives/prints...and all the way back.

You can bet your ass I stopped for some hot chocolate.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

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