Suicidal blogger

Apparently some woman is going to kill herself in 90 days, and she's decided to make a blog out of it. I figure this has been spreading like wildfire on the net, but it's new to me. She's counting down the days, as of today, she's on her 84th day.

If it is real, it's pretty disturbing that someone would go to these kind of lengths, and make a show out of it. She says it's not a cry for help. Even more disturbing than her plan, are the comments people leave her.

Two people have already made parody blogs, here, and here.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

Suicidal blogger

I think this is fake. I'm hopin' it's fake. It looks fake.

My pants did accidentally fall off during that video of her trying on dresses.

Parody blog is the worst combination of two words I've seen since the unholy alliance of Light and Beer.

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

Suicidal blogger

Not deliberately fake, just someone who approaches her self-aggrandizement with precision. It isn't a cry for attention but a kind of exasperated pout for attention.

I'm sure I could think of something more annoying if you gave me a couple of hours, but so far this takes it. Thefuckouttahere.

Suicidal blogger

It is pretty shameless to sort of bask in your possible suicide in this way, but those comments just take the cake. It's like the neighbors watching Kitty Genovese have turned to blogs.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

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