Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

Rick Reuben wrote:Hyphen is wrong.

It's not wrong. In your examples, "attack ad" is not being used as a compound adjective.

In the phrase "attack-ad context," it is modifying "context." The hyphen is not necessarily required, but it's not incorrect. It's a judgment call on the author's part, for the sake of clarity.

As long as we're nitpicking the fuck out of everything.

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

Rick Reuben wrote:He's describing an object- the attack ad. No need for a hyphen.

No, he's describing a context. The compound word "attack-ad" describes a specific context in which a separate term ("negatives") may or may not be used. As opposed to a debate context, or a television context, or a whatever-the-fuck context. Hyphen is a-OK. Like I said, it's a judgment call.

I have no idea what the quotes in the original post mean. But they aren't relevant to the application of the hyphen.

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

Rick Reuben wrote:
Minotaur029 wrote:POTENTIAL negatives from a HYPOTHETICAL situation.

So you're saying that Obama has skeletons in his closet? If you think that, why are you picking him to beat Clinton? Aren't you worried that Hillary is going to plaster these imagined 'dangerously high negatives' all over the Chris Matthews show and torpedo his campaign?

Face it, dude. You babbled out your allegation that Obama had 'dangerously high negatives' when you didn't have a clue what they were, or even understand the meaning of the word 'negatives'. Run over to Kos and plagiarize something for us that makes partial sense. I haven't read that site yet today.

People, this just isn't true...the Kos part is completely false, and Rick Reuben is completely out of his mind over the use of hyphens and the political term, "negatives."

Rick, stick to a topic you "know" 9/11. Oh wait, no one gives a shit.

Just watch RR come after me in post after post...if he wasn't threatened by me, he wouldn't devote a page to arguing over semantics. Don't let yourselves be pushed around by this douchebag. He's a damaging force far and away as far as accurate information is concerned. It's GWB style politicking.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

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