stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...

johnnyshape wrote:
BadComrade wrote:
Or the "Do I bring the case up to the counter, or do I just tell you which one I want?"

That's not that unreasonable in many record shops with piles of new releases behind the counter. You could save someone the bother of re-racking that case. OK, it's dumb, but it's not that dumb.

Yeah they've given me attitude at reckless for bringing up some new release 'Uh, next time if it's something new you should just tell us what it is so we don't have to walk the 3 feet over there and put it back on the shelf'
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...

I have been the dumb guy before. I called Chanello's to order a cheap pizza after practice one night, and I wasn't exactly in the most lucid frame of mind and I ordered a large pepperoni pizza. The lady on the phone asked, "How do you want it cooked?" This confused me, because I'd never been asked how I wanted a pizza cooked before, isn't it common just to order it, they cook it, the end?

Anyway, in my confusion I said the only thing I could think of:


Apparently that particular Chanello's asks if you want your pizza "well done." I suppose she was aware of their constant under-cooking of pizzas.

stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...

I was a barista at a coffee shop in Athens. The number of people who came in there... I wonder how they got into any school. Amazing.

Iced hot chocolate requested on more than one occasion. I would ask if they wanted chocolate milk. Their response was usually, "Yep, with ice."

Most common request... [PREFACE] Athens is full of a lot of people that have never been to a coffee shop outside of the Starbucks in their Georgia suburb, so people ordering Starbucks items was not uncommon...

Customer: Can I get a macchiato?
Me: Are you sure you want a macchiato or do you want a Starbucks macchiato (carmel vanilla latte)?
Customer: No, I know what it is, I want a macchiato.
Me: Ok. (Make drink: Shot of espresso with dry foam scooped on top)
Customer: This isn't what I asked for. I said I wanted a macchiato.
Me: Right, that's what that is. That's why I asked you which you wanted.
Customer: Oh, well I want a macchiato.
Me: Shakes head in dismay.

I would also have people come in and ask me for five dollars so they could go get a beer at the bar next door. Because we are best friends and I want to give them my tip money so they can puke in the bathroom two hours later.

In high school I worked at a BBQ place. A girl came in and asked if we had any vegetarian BBQ platters.

stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...

Marsupialized wrote:My favorite from when I worked at a pizza place was 'Does anyone there sell weed?'

At the pizza place I used to work at, the answer would have been yes. It would also have been yes if you substituted the words cocaine or meth for weed.

I don't know what it is about pizza places that attracts the drug addicts and dealers from a town, but they are like a fucking magnet for that stuff.

I'm afraid the question I was always asked at the pizza place was "Would ya'll pick up a case of Natty Light for me and my bros on the way over? Oh, and a carton of smokes too."

stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...

Working at the Royal Shakespeare Company, the Barbican, London in 1999, selling theatre programmes for the night's performance. An elderly American gent came up, waved a few dollars in my face:

"Do you take these?"

Of all the witty comments I could have made:

"Only if they're 100 dollar bills"
"The rent boys are over in SoHo"
"I don't care how much you pay me, I'm not changing your catheter"

I only managed:

"No. Sir. I. do. not." with a bit of a glare.

His ignorance was genuinely shocking.
"Whenever the words 'art' and 'rock' have come together, I make my excuses and leave" - John Peel, 2004

stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...

o_d_m wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:My favorite from when I worked at a pizza place was 'Does anyone there sell weed?'

At the pizza place I used to work at, the answer would have been yes. It would also have been yes if you substituted the words cocaine or meth for weed.

I don't know what it is about pizza places that attracts the drug addicts and dealers from a town, but they are like a fucking magnet for that stuff.

I'm afraid the question I was always asked at the pizza place was "Would ya'll pick up a case of Natty Light for me and my bros on the way over? Oh, and a carton of smokes too."

Yeah, the answer was yes over there too.
The place I worked at was owned by an old school Mafia dude, a former associate of Tony and Mike Spilatro. He was ENRAGED when that Casino movie came out, as one of the characters was based on him I guess and he said Tony Spilatro was a great man, not the lunatic he was made out to be in the film.
Anyway, that place was just a sea of shady dealings. It was great. So much violence. Awesome pizza too.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

stupidest thing a customer ever said to you...

twobeatsoff wrote:I was a barista at a coffee shop in Athens.

I can say with some certainty that I have handed you money at some point in our lives.

I also threw money in the tip jar, because that's how I roll.

As for the bumming your tip money for their beers....

sometimes I hate Athenians.

But then I move somewhere else and holy shit, does it suck.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

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