Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

I saw a YouTube clip last night of Barack on Conan O'Brien a couple years ago before he announced his candidacy, in which he said that GW's nickname for him is "Rock." It then occurred to me that, hey, Barack's voice and The Rock's voice are pretty similar.

Please, Barack...cut a scathing promo tonight in Madison about how you're gonna take Hillary's delegates, turn them sideways, and stick 'em straight up her candy ass, if you smeeeeeeeeelllll...what'. I guarantee you will carry every red state in the nation!

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08

DrAwkward wrote:I saw a YouTube clip last night of Barack on Conan O'Brien a couple years ago before he announced his candidacy, in which he said that GW's nickname for him is "Rock." It then occurred to me that, hey, Barack's voice and The Rock's voice are pretty similar.

Please, Barack...cut a scathing promo tonight in Madison about how you're gonna take Hillary's delegates, turn them sideways, and stick 'em straight up her candy ass, if you smeeeeeeeeelllll...what'. I guarantee you will carry every red state in the nation!

I remember Obama and the Rock did a little skit somewhere once, I'm sure you can find it online somewhere...they showed a little clip on the news, it actually looked kinda funny
I wanna say it was on some morning show, maybe the one with the 4 manatees....the view or whatever it's called, Manatee view...disgusting bloated hag chat, whatever they call it
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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