how (the fuck) do you cook rice?!?!

I'd like to get the same kind of texture/consistency as a Chinese restaurant's rice. I really like the way they steam it, or at least, how their machine does. It even has a different flavor than my own home cooked version.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

how (the fuck) do you cook rice?!?!

kenoki wrote:you guys need to listen to the two resident asians on the board. rice cooker.

Hmm....You can use your exisiting cooking hardware to cook rice with the directions I and other's have given you, or you can spend an extra $50-$300 for a rice cooker, instead of spending it on something more gratifying.

Also, I hate to say this but.....I think it's ironic that the resident asian people on this forum that have spoken up about this seem to only know how to cook rice by loading up, and pushing a few buttons on a rice cooker.
"Fuck compose, Fuck melody, Dedicated to no one, Thanks to no one, ART IS OVER".
-Juntaro Yamanouchi

how (the fuck) do you cook rice?!?!

D'Piucchstre wrote:Hmm....You can use your exisiting cooking hardware to cook rice with the directions I and other's have given you, or you can spend an extra $50-$300 for a rice cooker, instead of spending it on something more gratifying.

Also, I hate to say this but.....I think it's ironic that the resident asian people on this forum that have spoken up about this seem to only know how to cook rice by loading up, and pushing a few buttons on a rice cooker.

I think you're confusing "only know how to cook rice that way" with "know that rice is cooked more efficiently that way."

Show me a $300 rice cooker. Show me.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

how (the fuck) do you cook rice?!?!

Sweet mother of fuck. Okay, well just because some of the devices are priced to appeal to the insane market does not negate the usefulness of the cheap but still perfectly good ones. As kerble made clear, you can find these for $20. Paying upward of $300 makes you a fucking loon.

I am willing to bet that I have easily made back the $20 I didn't spend on the rice cooker that was given to me in time-savings, even considering how little my time is worth.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

how (the fuck) do you cook rice?!?!

D'Piucchstre wrote:Also, I hate to say this but.....I think it's ironic that the resident asian people on this forum that have spoken up about this seem to only know how to cook rice by loading up, and pushing a few buttons on a rice cooker.

Cooking from scratch is very time-consuming in various Asian cuisines, and labor-intensive recipes for everyday dishes are based on the presence of large quantities of unpaid female labor. Being able to buy basic spice mixes in boxes, to take one example, relieves Indian women of countless hours spent pounding and blending spices (if they can afford them, which many can't, at least over there).

It's pretty unironic that households that rely on a basic staple make a modest investment in a relatively foolproof and uncomplicated way of preparing that staple. Rice cookers free up women's labor power, and when women's labor power can command a decent price on the labor market, it makes sense to put it to work augmenting household income (to invest in labor-saving technology) rather than engage in gendered tasks.

I :smt049 capital accumulation

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