sos!!! lomo19a9 repair

I'm guessing you can.

If you ship it to somebody, you risk the capsule flopping around loose in the housing and getting ruined. Find some epoxy, something small to use as an applicator (toothpick or something), a magnifying glass and work surface. Ta-daa, you can fix your own microphone.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

sos!!! lomo19a9 repair

Oh, hi there. Hope you're doing well.

If the capsule is damaged, you'll need to send it to a capsule maker, like David Josephson, David Bock, Tracy Korby or Stephen Paul's shop. This will be a pain in the ass and expensive. That's why I suggest you try to fix it yourself.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

sos!!! lomo19a9 repair

ok, while we are on the subject, my 19a-9 is also having a problem where once it's warmed up, it makes a noise every 20 seconds like a cross between an expresso maker or a someone hocking a lougie or a tympani hit recorded backwards.

could this be a dried cap leaking dc into the signal path?
and if so, can anyone recommend someone who could fix this?

"NILBOG is GOBLIN spelled backwards!!!!"
-Joshua. (Troll 2.)

sos!!! lomo19a9 repair

morze wrote:ok, while we are on the subject, my 19a-9 is also having a problem where once it's warmed up, it makes a noise every 20 seconds like a cross between an expresso maker or a someone hocking a lougie or a tympani hit recorded backwards.

could this be a dried cap leaking dc into the signal path?
and if so, can anyone recommend someone who could fix this?


this could be built up condensation on the capsule. i had this problem with my 19A-7. i sent it off to get the capsule cleaned and now it's tip top. top tits.
Michael Gregory Bridavsky

Russian Recording

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