Barack Obama Shouldn t Run in 08
301Obama is unstoppable. This will probably be funny only if you've ever played Metal Gear Solid.
Moderator: Greg
DrAwkward wrote:drew patrick wrote:Obama is having another good night in a swing state.
What say you, Cheeseheads?
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom
but... texas hates black and loves guns!Marsupialized wrote:Horseshit.
The less said about these sorts of bullshit stories the better. A pathetic attempt to scare people into not voting for him. It'll backfire like every other attempt they've made at knocking him down.
Nobody is taking a shot at Obama, he'll be fine.
Newsweek wrote:After she worked for the city for a couple of years, Barack led Michelle closer to community activism. He was on the board of a start-up group called Public Allies, a nonprofit that encouraged young people to go into public service—just the kind of encouragement she felt she had never gotten. The organization needed a Chicago director. The job paid even less than her city post. "It sounded risky and just out there," she says. "But for some reason it just spoke to me. This was the first time I said, 'This is what I say I care about. Right here. And I will have to run it'." (Michelle jokes that she took a pay cut with every new job. The couple finally got out of debt when Barack's book, "The Audacity of Hope," became a best seller.)
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass
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