MultiTrack Masters Nirvana Penny Royal Tea

yea i heard about this. the next generation of rap beatmakers should be just about done with remixing this under jay-z acapellas. any day now.

as soon as such a remix album surfaces on the internet (and mark my words, it will), they can expect "cease and desist and kiss my ass" letters from courtney love. (band) (i make beats for that dude)

MultiTrack Masters Nirvana Penny Royal Tea

BClark wrote:yea i heard about this. the next generation of rap beatmakers should be just about done with remixing this under jay-z acapellas. any day now.

as soon as such a remix album surfaces on the internet (and mark my words, it will), they can expect "cease and desist and kiss my ass" letters from courtney love.

Maybe, but just as soon she might use those tracks on the next kurt+courtney movie... she wants scarlett johanson to play the role of courtney in the movie... Talk about realism, huh?

MultiTrack Masters Nirvana Penny Royal Tea

I'm guessing that the overheads are mid/side and they weren't decoded prior to tape, so we're hearing the mid and out of phase side. This is a pretty educational thing to hear and it's a great lesson in getting good sounds to tape. You throw up the faders and it sounds pretty much like the record. I was also curious about the first guitar. The two mics sound a bit phasey, but not 180 degrees. Strange. It's also interesting to listen to the vocal ambient mic and that it was tracked with the expander-gate and that this wasn't done in the mix. I'd imagine that track 24 is not a room mic, but a scratch vocal.

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