Songs About Famous People

The Clash - The Right Profile (Montgomery Clift)
Go Betweens - Lee Remick
Yo La tengo - Tom Courtney
Billy Bragg and Wilco (lyrics by Woody Guthrie) - Ingrid Bergman
Patti Smith - Hey Joe (Patty Hearst)
TV Personalities - I Know Where Syd Barrett Lives, Like John Belushi Says (and bunch others)
MDC- John Wayne Was a Nazi

Songs About Famous People

Sonic Youth, "Mildred Pierce" and "Tunic"

PJ Harvey, "Memphis"

Dammit. Not having any of my records in California blows. I can't think of any others offhand. I'll probably remember 15 more as soon as I post this.
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

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