Songs About Famous People

Yo La Tengo - Let's Burn Tony Orlando's House
Fugazi - Foreman's Dog
Simon & Garfunkel - So Long Frank Lloyd Wright

Citing rap gets us into murky territory, because there's so many great diss tracks:

Common - The Bitch In Yoo
Canibus - Second Round KO (followed by LL's Ripper Strikes Back, Canibus' response to the response, ad infinitum)
Nas - Ether

etc etc etc

Songs About Famous People

It's about George Foreman's dog. Questionable as it's not a famous person per se.
Guy wrote:That phrase, "Foreman's Dog," was inspired by the Muhammad Ali documentary "When We Were Kings." You know that scene where George Foreman comes off the plane and he's got his dog there? He was just bringing his German shepherds over because they were his dogs and it was a little bit of machismo. But to the people in Zaire, when he showed up with these dogs, they were a symbol of the Belgian colonialists who had been there earlier, they were a symbol of imperial power. So George Foreman's public-relations move was a complete bust because he showed up without having any concept of what he was doing. It was really inadvertent, but it was read by the people that way.

Songs About Famous People

"Taxman" is about Edward Heath, (as is Taxman, Mr Thief)
"Eleanor Rigby" is about the name on an old gravestone
"I'm Only Sleeping" is about paul macartney
"Love You To" is about Herr Harrison's current cocksock
"Here, There and Everywhere" is about Jane Asher
"She Said She Said" is about Peter Fonda
"Good Day Sunshine" is about Jane Asher
"And Your Bird Can Sing" is about Mick Jagger
"Doctor Robert" is about some drug deal called Robert
"Got to Get You into My Life" is about Mary Juana

Songs About Famous People

"Stuck Between Stations" by the Hold Steady is about John Berryman.

I know a lot of you are huge Hold Steady fans.
Dr. Geek wrote:I once found a soggy dollar floating in a puddle on the side of the street. I carefully picked it out of the water before it sank to the bottom. It smelled funny after it dried.

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