any good podcasts?

I get the Regular Guy movie reviews, and Lin's Bin podcasts (and my sig gave that away) same shit from the radio, except I can listen when I have time.

I also get the Sound of Young America podcast, which I read about here at Electrical forum.

I get the Sound Opinions podcast because occasionally I hear something awesome like when Mission of Burma were on the show.

The Penn Radio podcast is dated now since the show has been canceled so long ago, but the shows were great and they are all archived in podcast form.

I get a few more, but they are goofy shit like the ESET Nod32 Malware Report podcast and the DolbyCast podcast which have to do with my line of work.
"If you can't get 'yer rock & roll across in less than two minutes,
another five isn't going to make the difference"
- Lin Brehmer

any good podcasts?

This Friday sees the launch of a new simonsound produced radio series looking at the history of electronic music as a worldwide phenomenon. The 10 part series called ‘The Tone Generation’ is presented by electronic musician and film-maker Ian Helliwell. Starting in Europe and finishing in the Southern Hemisphere Ian will be playing vintage tracks - some celebrated, many obscure and overlooked, to give an overview of electronic music. Part one starts with Great Britain and features music from a number of BBC Radiophonic composers including Daphne Oram and Delia Derbyshire.

this from the folks who did "Welcome to Mars", which i loved. haven't gotten a chance to listen to the first episode yet myself, but here's the link:

the tone generation

any good podcasts?

If you like really open format (like people recording themselves having a conversation, not like a radio show) is ok. I was on it for a few episodes. It is audio nerd talk. When I was participating I kept telling them they needed format, but there is none. It's a little hard to follow but they claim some people like it that way.

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