I think the Shellac radio has been refined by EA board members or something, because many of the bands that pop up are ones people talk about on this forum. (Seriously, Bedhead doesn't sound anything like Shellac) I also think when you give it feedback it helps decide what kind of songs to play next.

Anyway I've found out about probably 10 or so bands I need to go buy CDs of now. Ugh.

It needs to have some kind of snob factor. I think that this could be realized by considering if a band used Autotune or not. I think that would be a good way to weed out a lot of the insincere junk food type music.

MrFood wrote:I'm currently saddled with some awful piece of shit Linkin Park sound-a-likes called Seether. Seether?


Since this band isn't worthy of its own c/nc, I will share a thing I just wrote upon hearing this band on my gf's iTunes playlist:

ironyengine (11:23:04 PM): dear dudes in the band "seether"
ironyengine (11:23:34 PM): you're not allowed to use the phrase "I'm broken" in any of your songs. that shit was taken by pantera before you even started the shitty 3 doors down ripoff band whose name you stole from veruca salt
ironyengine (11:23:43 PM): get an original anything, you twats.
ironyengine (11:23:45 PM): love, chrismorgan

ps- it really sounded way more like 3 doors down than linkin park.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

Pandora wrote:Dear Pandora Visitor,

We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for listeners located outside of the U.S. We will continue to work diligently to realize the vision of a truly global Pandora, but for the time being we are required to restrict its use. We are very sad to have to do this, but there is no other alternative.

We believe that you are in United Kingdom. (your IP address appears to be xx.xx). (continues)

I interviewed for a job there about a month ago. They seemed to have their act together, and have an extremely sharp group of people working for them. I was really amazed by how on top of it they seemed as an organization.

So of course they're getting screwed out of business.

What's odd is that they probably sell more records for labels than other forms of radio, so by driving them out of business with the ridiculous royalty rates, the RIAA is doing themselves a huge disservice. Not that I expect the RIAA to act rationally or anything, but it is remarkable that the obvious isn't for them.

Perhaps the RIAA thinks they can set up something similar? That's a huge assumption, since destroying pandora isn't an active campaign of theirs, but you never know. Since they claim to represent the artists I bet they could avoid paying their own ridiculous royalty rates.

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