Paul Newman?

Total votes: 2 (12%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 15 (88%)
Total votes: 17

Band: Paul Newman

JDanger wrote:When I think of Paul Newman I primarily think of Frames Per Second, because it was so awesome when I first heard it. And it was the pace of that record, probably the very same reason most people find them "boring", that made it stand out against other records that I had heard. The pace made the music tense, it kind of made me itch, waiting for things to happen.

Yes...and keep waiting, and keep waiting.
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

Band: Paul Newman

Frames Per Second is the best. The other records are ok, but mostly I put them on if I want something mellow playing in the background.

I agree that they sound dated, but most music does.

Not crap, some waffles. Putting in your $.02 without adding your vote to the poll? Crap.

Band: Paul Newman

Ike wrote:I don't get it either, and on paper it should be something I not only get but really, really dig. I am not down with this music.

I think A Minor Forest obliterates them from my memory. A Minor Forest did this "thing" much more effectively.

But I understand they are outstanding people, so there's that.

Yeah, they were both doing a similar thing. A good comparison.

There's probably some nostalgia factor for me too, if I had just heard them today for the first time I don't think I'd be into it as much.

That song "The New Goth" really rocks though.

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