RIP Gary Gygax

I hope that in the guy's will there is a stipulation that his ashes be pressed into a synthetic diamond die.
steve wrote:Would certainly mash her kidshitter.

Dr. Roger Schwenke wrote:We tested a variety of low frequencies and no involuntary gastro-intestinal motility was caused.

RIP Gary Gygax

A guy I work with had taken over the storylines that Gygax started with his guidance and developed a card game with him. It was really inspiring how enthused my co-worker would get about every email, call, or revision he got from Gygax. Always over the moon about it, for years now.

I'm really crushed for him.

Here's to getting kids to think about going out and doing crazy shit.

RIP Gary Gygax

Hawaiian shirts = nerdy white guys' idea of being "zany"

Also, you don't have to worry if the horizontal stripes make your gut look bigger or the vertical stripes make your head look balder.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

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