RIP Gary Gygax

Man! what a fucking bummer...

And I was just gearing up to go to Lake Geneva this summer for the small gathering they've had a few years now with the TSR old timers. I might still go.

Now I'm really fucking bummed.

I was just reading Jack Vance's Dying Earth in Gary's honor (he's said how much Vance's writing had influenced D&D... more so than Tolkein). I just put a pile of books together I wanted him to sign.

I consider Gygax more of an influence on who I am more than any musician.

R.I.P. Bigby

RIP Gary Gygax

vockins wrote:A guy I work with had taken over the storylines that Gygax started with his guidance and developed a card game with him. It was really inspiring how enthused my co-worker would get about every email, call, or revision he got from Gygax. Always over the moon about it, for years now.

I'm really crushed for him.

Here's to getting kids to think about going out and doing crazy shit.

this is pretty cool... do you know what he was working on?

RIP Gary Gygax

TheMilford wrote:
vockins wrote:A guy I work with had taken over the storylines that Gygax started with his guidance and developed a card game with him. It was really inspiring how enthused my co-worker would get about every email, call, or revision he got from Gygax. Always over the moon about it, for years now.

I'm really crushed for him.

Here's to getting kids to think about going out and doing crazy shit.

this is pretty cool... do you know what he was working on?

Here's his blog, although it looks like it has been a while since he's updated it:

RIP Gary Gygax

BadComrade wrote:
whiskerando wrote:
Seriously, what's the deal with big dudes and Hawaiian shirts?

Only two types of people wear Hawaiian shirts: gay guys and big, fat, party animals.

Steve owns at least one (or a shirt with a very similar print, at least).

So you are calling Steve gay? Real nice.

D&D was my punk rock before I found punk rock. Although I did find nerdcore ways to be a metal head and a gamer at the same time. When I was in 7th grade and super into both Judas Priest and AD&D, as a dungeon master I came up with a module to be accompanied by Judas Priest’s “Defenders of the Faith” album. When the players would enter certain pivotal areas for crucial battles a particular song off Defenders had to be played. I don’t remember all of it, but I know the climax was against some vampire lord motherfucker and the song “Love Bites” was to be played.

The only positively horrible thing I know of from TSR was that shitty fucking Saturday morning cartoon from the 80’s with Uni. And I say that as a self avowed big fan of unicorns.

Anyway godspeed, Mr. Gygax. You ride upon Tiamat now and forever.
Charlie Don't Surf
jimmy spako wrote:You'd be a little fucked-up too if you had to go around all day stroking an aluminum beard.

RIP Gary Gygax

Jack Vance wrote some great SF books. I had a lot of them in the old ace double editions (a lot of times he would have the whole double two novels) one I particularly liked was about a sienent cloud of and it's traveling around the universe the story was told from the clouds point of view. Good novel just kind of gave you this odd point of view.

What ever happened to Michael Moorecock?

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