Listen to each others bands...

dontfeartheringo wrote:Reunited after eight years away... here's Five-eight, my old band, now with added "Me" power.


The lyrics:


Your plastic flowers
Mark the spot
On the side of the road
Your spirit hits the air
Like jumping off into the quarries cold
Metal is twisted
Firebird is lifting off of the ground
Its tires are blistered
So deeply scared of dying that we die
Oh ambulance you take your time
To take me from the scene of the crime
Often I'm left to pay to play
For the ride of my life
Oh, lady of the highway
Say your prayers for me
Cause I'm so deeply...
When I'm walking off to work
What comes to mind
With my hands in my pockets I left you lying
And now somewhere deep inside my head is the guilt
Of my imagination you know I'm
Deeply scared of dying that we die...

isn't this off the last record? man, what a good record.

Listen to each others bands...


ULTRALAME recorded 39 albums during 2007 at The Baselab recording studio. Every song is made up on the spot and not repeated in an attempt to inject a bit of spontaniety into the boring medium that is contemporary rock music.

During a popular music era that focuses on technical performance and conformity rather than natural imperfections and individuality, pre-meditated psycho-analytical song writing has become as much of a part of the focus group based marketing strategies used by record companies as sex appeal or affable personality saturation.

We don't like all that crap, and if you don't either maybe you will like ULTRALAME

Listen to each others bands...

ebeam wrote:My two-man-band has changed our name to Real Natural (at least for the next couple of days until we change it again). We have a rough mix from our first set of recordings up. All basic tracking was engineered by the PRF's very own Scott. We are pretty psyched about how things are turning out.

Real Natural

Is good! I like!

Any more?
I walk these streets, a loaded six-string on my back.

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