The Nation (Kingdom) of Israel exists where the Bible says it does.
It never has been anywhere else, and never will be anywhere else.
(The "connection to the land" is clearly laid out for all to read. And has been for thousands of years.)
You can support the losers if you want, but they are still going to lose in the End.
Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?
1432nihil39 wrote:
I'm not an expert in Middle-East issues and maybe the following thought is just plain wrong but I'll write it anyway. Perhaps it has been already expressed by Ahmadinejahd, I can't remember.
I started to reckon that the "Jewish State" could have been created in the occupied Germany and/or Austria. Those two states combined have an area of 440,893 km² and it would have been possible to accommodate the citizens of the new country (Israel is 22,072 km² large). Nazism was responsible for the holocaust (I don't obviously think that all the German people caused the extermination of the Jews). Given that (after 1900, at least) a new country to be created has to secede or steal the land of other countries, maybe it would have been easier to put Israel in Europe instead that in a place surrounded by understandably hostile neighbors. Instead if German people had been made aware of the full extent of the Shoa maybe they could have accepted a Jewish state as a neighbor.
There would have been a lot of problems, anyway (how to move the Zionist colonists already settled in Palestine, where to locate the new state in the German/Austrian territory and all the cold war problems related to that, etc.) but maybe we could have spared a part of the 50 years of war and chaos in the Middle East.
The relation between Zionism and Nazism is pretty fucked up, from what I gather. Hannah Arendt writes about it in 'Eichmann on Trial', but I don't know the facts well enough to sum it up without conjecture.
Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?
1434I couldn't get the video to play, is this any good? ... d=18096454
Arts & Culture
Arab Sitcom Becomes Surprise Hit in Israel
by Linda Gradstein
Day to Day, January 15, 2008 · Every week in Israel, thousands of Jewish families open up their homes to an Arab family. The latter are only fictional characters — from the hit Israeli sitcom Arab Work — but still, many say this is a critical marker in (pop culture) history.
Although Arabs make up 20 percent of Israel's population, aside from the news, they've rarely been featured on Israeli television screens. When the show finally got on the air, after several years of planning, few expected the concept to take off the way it has: During its premiere week in December, it was the third-ranked program in Israel, and in the following weeks it has consistently remained in the top 10, according to ratings figures from Keshet, the show's production company.
The show focuses on an insecure journalist named Amjad, who lives with his wife and 5-year-old daughter and works for an Israeli newspaper.
The show's main writer, Israeli-Palestinian Sayed Kashua, 32, says the series is loosely autobiographical.
"It's just a comedy of being on one side Palestinian or Arab and on the other side an Israeli. Already this definition is comic and tragic at the same time and that's what I tried to do," he says.
The show frequently plays with the struggle to fit in. In one episode, Amjad decides it's time for his daughter Maya to go to kindergarten, instead of playing poker with his parents all day. He first tries an Islamic school where his daughter dons a headscarf, learns the Quran and tells her father he will be punished for being a nonbeliever. Maya tells her mother she's only pretending to be religious so she can go back to playing poker.
In another episode, Amjad proposes a hard-hitting piece on the barrier Israel is building in and around the West Bank. His editor says no and demands something hipper and lighter, so Amjad finds a sheep that's been trained to pull its owner's ID card out of his pocket at Israeli army checkpoints. Sheep prove difficult to interview, but his story makes the front page.
Although Israeli Jews and Arabs live in the same country, Jews know very little about how their neighbors live, says producer Dani Paran.
Israeli Arabs have long complained of institutionalized discrimination. In a 2006 poll released by the Center for Struggle Against Racism, three-quarters of Israeli Jews said they wouldn't want to live next door to an Arab family.
The fact that these same people are choosing to watch a show saturated with Arab food, music, cultural quandaries and language (about two-thirds of each episode is in Arabic with Hebrew subtitles), is significant, the show's creators say.
Some Israeli reviewers have compared it to The Cosby Show. Like the Huxtables, Amjad and his family are credited with facilitating cultural understanding, but they are also accused of reinforcing negative stereotypes.
"It shows us as primitive and like we want to become more Israeli than Arab," says Shadi Halileeli of the Musawa Center, which advocates equality between Jews and Arabs.
Halileeli says most of his friends opt not to watch the show, preferring satellite channels from Arab countries, where they are more than a novelty.
Novelty or not, many Israeli Jews say they are learning something.
"This is the first time that Israelis can see what Arabs think of themselves. It's done in a humorous way, but if you look through, the humor has a lot of sadness in it," says Jerusalem lawyer Jonathan Livny. ... d=18096454
Arts & Culture
Arab Sitcom Becomes Surprise Hit in Israel
by Linda Gradstein
Day to Day, January 15, 2008 · Every week in Israel, thousands of Jewish families open up their homes to an Arab family. The latter are only fictional characters — from the hit Israeli sitcom Arab Work — but still, many say this is a critical marker in (pop culture) history.
Although Arabs make up 20 percent of Israel's population, aside from the news, they've rarely been featured on Israeli television screens. When the show finally got on the air, after several years of planning, few expected the concept to take off the way it has: During its premiere week in December, it was the third-ranked program in Israel, and in the following weeks it has consistently remained in the top 10, according to ratings figures from Keshet, the show's production company.
The show focuses on an insecure journalist named Amjad, who lives with his wife and 5-year-old daughter and works for an Israeli newspaper.
The show's main writer, Israeli-Palestinian Sayed Kashua, 32, says the series is loosely autobiographical.
"It's just a comedy of being on one side Palestinian or Arab and on the other side an Israeli. Already this definition is comic and tragic at the same time and that's what I tried to do," he says.
The show frequently plays with the struggle to fit in. In one episode, Amjad decides it's time for his daughter Maya to go to kindergarten, instead of playing poker with his parents all day. He first tries an Islamic school where his daughter dons a headscarf, learns the Quran and tells her father he will be punished for being a nonbeliever. Maya tells her mother she's only pretending to be religious so she can go back to playing poker.
In another episode, Amjad proposes a hard-hitting piece on the barrier Israel is building in and around the West Bank. His editor says no and demands something hipper and lighter, so Amjad finds a sheep that's been trained to pull its owner's ID card out of his pocket at Israeli army checkpoints. Sheep prove difficult to interview, but his story makes the front page.
Although Israeli Jews and Arabs live in the same country, Jews know very little about how their neighbors live, says producer Dani Paran.
Israeli Arabs have long complained of institutionalized discrimination. In a 2006 poll released by the Center for Struggle Against Racism, three-quarters of Israeli Jews said they wouldn't want to live next door to an Arab family.
The fact that these same people are choosing to watch a show saturated with Arab food, music, cultural quandaries and language (about two-thirds of each episode is in Arabic with Hebrew subtitles), is significant, the show's creators say.
Some Israeli reviewers have compared it to The Cosby Show. Like the Huxtables, Amjad and his family are credited with facilitating cultural understanding, but they are also accused of reinforcing negative stereotypes.
"It shows us as primitive and like we want to become more Israeli than Arab," says Shadi Halileeli of the Musawa Center, which advocates equality between Jews and Arabs.
Halileeli says most of his friends opt not to watch the show, preferring satellite channels from Arab countries, where they are more than a novelty.
Novelty or not, many Israeli Jews say they are learning something.
"This is the first time that Israelis can see what Arabs think of themselves. It's done in a humorous way, but if you look through, the humor has a lot of sadness in it," says Jerusalem lawyer Jonathan Livny.
Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?
1435Interesting story about the Gaza fiasco engineered by yet more blinkered, ruthless Bush foreign policy doctrine. ... show200804 ... show200804
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture
Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?
1436What the hell? I was reading the article when I copied the URL.
Oh well, a lot worse places to wind up than Olga's face.
And I don't believe the victory by Hamas was unexpected either. You don't have to be in Israeli intelligence to have at least suspected they'd do well. As for LIHOP, you're saying the election was just another machination and the results could've been changed by Israel as they saw fit?
Oh well, a lot worse places to wind up than Olga's face.
And I don't believe the victory by Hamas was unexpected either. You don't have to be in Israeli intelligence to have at least suspected they'd do well. As for LIHOP, you're saying the election was just another machination and the results could've been changed by Israel as they saw fit?
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture
Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?
1437The "Palestinians" and "Arabs" are many many different peoples who can't even get along with each other. (And never have done. War is the way of the world.)
They need to demonize Israel in order to appear cohesive.
Their failed attempts to wipe out Israel show that Islam is a fraud.
That is why they are a mentally wounded and fucked up bunch of people overall.
They are angry and jealous and their great "leaders" have done nothing but encourage that so they can continue to use them and rip them off.
I believe in a God who has the balls to insist that there is a right way and a wrong way and then hold true to that.
I believe in a God who keeps his promises to his people and will continue to.
The problems that Isreal will have to face have not even begun to start.
They are going to be massive, global, and unprecidented.
But in the end they will triumph.
Because the God of Adam, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isacc, Jacob, Joseph, Elijah, Samuel, and David will triumph.
And there is nothing anyone can do about that.
They can insist that is isn't true as much as they want.
They can fight against it all they want.
They can inflict as much damage in the mean time as they are able.
It isn't going to change a thing.
They need to demonize Israel in order to appear cohesive.
Their failed attempts to wipe out Israel show that Islam is a fraud.
That is why they are a mentally wounded and fucked up bunch of people overall.
They are angry and jealous and their great "leaders" have done nothing but encourage that so they can continue to use them and rip them off.
I believe in a God who has the balls to insist that there is a right way and a wrong way and then hold true to that.
I believe in a God who keeps his promises to his people and will continue to.
The problems that Isreal will have to face have not even begun to start.
They are going to be massive, global, and unprecidented.
But in the end they will triumph.
Because the God of Adam, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isacc, Jacob, Joseph, Elijah, Samuel, and David will triumph.
And there is nothing anyone can do about that.
They can insist that is isn't true as much as they want.
They can fight against it all they want.
They can inflict as much damage in the mean time as they are able.
It isn't going to change a thing.
Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?
1438krakabash wrote:The "Palestinians" and "Arabs" are many many different peoples who can't even get along with each other. (And never have done. War is the way of the world.)
They need to demonize Israel in order to appear cohesive.
Their failed attempts to wipe out Israel show that Islam is a fraud.
That is why they are a mentally wounded and fucked up bunch of people overall.
They are angry and jealous and their great "leaders" have done nothing but encourage that so they can continue to use them and rip them off.
I believe in a God who has the balls to insist that there is a right way and a wrong way and then hold true to that.
I believe in a God who keeps his promises to his people and will continue to.
The problems that Isreal will have to face have not even begun to start.
They are going to be massive, global, and unprecidented.
But in the end they will triumph.
Because the God of Adam, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isacc, Jacob, Joseph, Elijah, Samuel, and David will triumph.
And there is nothing anyone can do about that.
They can insist that is isn't true as much as they want.
They can fight against it all they want.
They can inflict as much damage in the mean time as they are able.
It isn't going to change a thing.
Brilliantly contextualized as religious foam dripping from a slack jaw.
I suppose that Hitler demonstrated that Judaism was a fraud. The god of Abraham seems to often and for long periods be uncertain as to the winner/loser status of Jews the world over.
No sense in conversing with you. Fair enough. You believe what you believe.
Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?
1439krakabash wrote:The "Palestinians" and "Arabs" are many many different peoples who can't even get along with each other. (And never have done. War is the way of the world.)
They need to demonize Israel in order to appear cohesive.
Their failed attempts to wipe out Israel show that Islam is a fraud.
That is why they are a mentally wounded and fucked up bunch of people overall.
They are angry and jealous and their great "leaders" have done nothing but encourage that so they can continue to use them and rip them off.
I believe in a God who has the balls to insist that there is a right way and a wrong way and then hold true to that.
I believe in a God who keeps his promises to his people and will continue to.
The problems that Isreal will have to face have not even begun to start.
They are going to be massive, global, and unprecidented.
But in the end they will triumph.
Because the God of Adam, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isacc, Jacob, Joseph, Elijah, Samuel, and David will triumph.
And there is nothing anyone can do about that.
They can insist that is isn't true as much as they want.
They can fight against it all they want.
They can inflict as much damage in the mean time as they are able.
It isn't going to change a thing.
brings to mind a nice redman ditty, by the title "iz he 4 real??"
Last edited by BClark_Archive on Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:33 pm, edited 4 times in total. (band) (i make beats for that dude) (i make beats for that dude)
Is Israel in the midst of perpetrating terror attacks?
1440krakabash wrote:The "Palestinians" and "Arabs" are many many different peoples who can't even get along with each other. (And never have done. War is the way of the world.)
They need to demonize Israel in order to appear cohesive.
Their failed attempts to wipe out Israel show that Islam is a fraud.
That is why they are a mentally wounded and fucked up bunch of people overall.
They are angry and jealous and their great "leaders" have done nothing but encourage that so they can continue to use them and rip them off.
I believe in a God who has the balls to insist that there is a right way and a wrong way and then hold true to that.
I believe in a God who keeps his promises to his people and will continue to.
The problems that Isreal will have to face have not even begun to start.
They are going to be massive, global, and unprecidented.
But in the end they will triumph.
Because the God of Adam, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isacc, Jacob, Joseph, Elijah, Samuel, and David will triumph.
And there is nothing anyone can do about that.
They can insist that is isn't true as much as they want.
They can fight against it all they want.
They can inflict as much damage in the mean time as they are able.
It isn't going to change a thing. ... 1446868316 ... 2220036050