
American Spirit
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Total votes: 8 (47%)
Total votes: 17

The best loose tobacco.

how much do you cats usually pay for it?

here i pay between $20 - $22 for a 40g pouch of drum. its insane, but smoking in canada has become somewhat of a rich man's game with packs in my area hovering around $10. i can get between 3 - 5 weeks out of a pouch of drum so economically, it sits well with me, but i'd have to say, even if it was more expensive i'd roll my own.

The best loose tobacco.

YardDancer wrote:Bali Shag in the off-white pouch. It's called halfzenware, I believe (internationals may bother to correct this). It's mild stuff, tastes great, and always seems to come in good condition. I try to buy it by the can, and just let it sit on the coffee table. Most of my friends smoke, and everybody appreciates the stuff.

I think rollies may have a lower concentration of chemicals because when I find that I need nicotine, rollies never cut it.

here's how it breaks down:

BLUE = halfzware shag
OFF WHITE = light halfzware
RED = golden shag

also found a green pouch once called "Rich Virginia." it was WAY too heavy for me.

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