the mars volta?

Total votes: 60 (77%)
not crap
Total votes: 18 (23%)
Total votes: 78

band: the mars volta

I liked ATDI a decent amount, so I checked out TMV by buying Frances The Mute - about 5 minutes in I was like "ummmmmmm maybe it gets better." At 17 minutes in, I was like, "what the fucking hell is this?"

I checked back with it one more time to see if any small piece seemed worth the effort.


CRAP in a spectacularly flamboyant way.
Mark Lansing wrote:Night Ranger, on the other hand, always sucked like a cheap whore with bad teeth at a Shriner's convention.

band: the mars volta

The Mars Volta (and Sparta) pretty much retroactively ruined any good graces I had for ATD-I. Relationship With A Man hasn't really aged too well. The lyrics were always obtuse, bullshitty nonsense, and from what it seems, it's staying that way.

I just watched two live videos from TMV, one when they had come out with Deloused and the recent Letterman performance... both pretty bad, but there was a definite degradation between the two periods where something that was pretty bad in 2003 decomposed into something terribly worse by fucking now.

If a thunderdrome existed between Neal Peart's lyrics and Cedric Bixler's lyrics... shit, I'd be hard-pressed to vote for Peart. You know what, I'm starting that thunderdrome.

band: the mars volta

kazoozak wrote:The Mars Volta (and Sparta) pretty much retroactively ruined any good graces I had for ATD-I. 1. Relationship With A Man hasn't really aged too well. The lyrics were always obtuse, bullshitty nonsense, and from what it seems, it's staying that way.

I just watched two live videos from TMV, one when they had come out with Deloused and the recent Letterman performance... both pretty bad, but there was a definite degradation between the two periods where something that was pretty bad in 2003 decomposed into something terribly worse by fucking now.

2. If a thunderdrome existed between Neal Peart's lyrics and Cedric Bixler's lyrics... shit, I'd be hard-pressed to vote for Peart. You know what, I'm starting that thunderdrome.

1.Relationship of Command is the name of the last At the Drive-In album.

2.I think Anal Cunt wrote a song called just that except it ended with "but than I'd be gayer than Joe Bonni".
lemur68 wrote:Why would you be where a jam band is playing in the first place?

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