What Are You Listening To Right This Second?

Edward wrote:Erik Satie's Vexations on repeat. I think you're supposed to listen to it something like 800 times in a row. Not sure how many cycles I'll make it through, but so far so good.

Lovely music, these "Vexations."

It is but a gimmick, honnnhhh honnnnhhhh honnnnnnnhhhhh!!!!

Well, maybe not entirely. Satie's day gig was as an incidental music pianist, so I'm sure he did want to relay the experience of hearing the same piece repeatedly with slightly different ears each time.

Right now, I'm listening to Pierre Boulez conduct the Chicago Symphony's rendition of Varése's Ionisation.
iembalm wrote:Can I just point out, Rick, that this rant is in a thread about a cartoon?

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